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Chapter Twenty-Five
The Dark Mark

===Aurora's PoV===

The match was now finished, and Krum caught the Snitch, yet Ireland won as they had more points. We were now going back to the tent to get some hot chocolate before going to bed.

I watched as Ron spoke rather poetically about Viktor Krum.

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist," Ron stated.

"Looks like someone has a crush," I teased.

"Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!" The twins and I sang.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" Harry joins in this time. Then we heard a loud bang and drunken cheers and screams.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on," Fred says, then Mr Weasley comes in with a worried expression.

"Everyone! We have to get out of here! Now!" Mr Weasley shouts hurriedly, we all threw on our coats and ran outside. People were running from figures dressed in robes, and masks were on their faces. They carried flaming torches, of which they set fire to the tents. My face visibly paled as I recognised them to be Death Eaters.

"It's Death Eaters!" I shout, I knew that if one saw me, I'd be in trouble as I didn't ask Tom if I could go to the World Cup with the Weasleys, I ended up sneaking out.

"Everyone make sure to get to the Portkey," Mr Weasley says, "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility."

I went to follow Harry, Hermione and Ron, but they were already gone. Along with the rest of the Weasleys. I started to panic slightly as crowds of frightened witches and wizards ran to the forest. I decided to go the opposite way to where the crowds were running, if your wondering why? Because I'm stupid.

I sprinted to the woods and hid behind one of the trees as a few Death Eaters looked round to see if some idiot stepped into the wrong side of the forest.

"I swear I heard someone run in here," a Death Eater says, before shrugging and going off the scare others. I let out a breath and made my way through the tall trees, till I came to a clearing, in which I saw a green light shine from the sky. I look up and gasp in fright, a large skull with a snake coming out of its mouth was in the sky. It was the Dark Mark.

I suddenly felt someone cover my mouth and drag me back. I squirm about.

"Stop squirming," the voice of a man says, "I knew I heard someone come in here, and who knew that it'd be you, Aurora Black. Now, I think that I'll take you back to Mr Riddle, he's very angry, you know."

'Ha! No,' I thought, then bit his hand, he let go of me and I got out my wand from my coat pocket. "Stupefy!"
The wizard was thrown against a tree, he was unconscious. I let out a sigh, then run back to the camp.

I saw Harry laying on the floor of the campground, with Hermione and Ron beside him and people from the Ministry surrounding them.

"Hey? What're you doing?" I ask, jogging up to them.

"One of these three casted that spell that conjured that-that thing!!" Barty Crouch says, pointing at the trio, then the sky, "or was it you?" He looks at me, "you've been awfully quiet for a princess. Check her wand."

A lady stepped forward and took my wand, "the last spell she used was stupefy."

"Why did you need that spell? Hmmmm?" Crouch questions.

"I was getting attacked you imbecile!" I exclaimed, then took a deep breath, "now, I'm extremely tired and would like to go now, ta ta."

Instead of following the others to the Portkey, I stayed with Bill, Charlie and Percy as I couldn't be bothered to walk. I grabbed Charlie's arm before he apparated.

We were now in front of the Burrow, where a worried Mrs Weasley was pacing back and fourth. She saw us and pulled us straight into a hug.

"I was so worried about you! When I heard about the attack..." Mrs Weasley shook her head, "where's the others?"

We heard footsteps and saw them approaching.

"That was fast," Bill commented as they reached the house.

"We decided to Apparate instead of walking," Mr Weasley says. Mrs Weasley tackles everyone into a hug. "We're okay, Molly. Don't worry."

That night, no one slept, everyone was talking about the event that happened.

"I need some fresh air," I say, getting up from my seat next to Harry.

"Okay, be careful dear," Mrs Weasley says, I nod and go outside. I sit on the ground and look up to the sky, it was probably around two in the morning and the stars twinkled beautifully. The gentle breeze caressed my cheeks.

I heard footsteps approach me, and tensed when I saw who it was, "you shouldn't be here."

"Neither should you," he responds, I get up from where I was sitting. "I was worried when you snuck out, and a bit angry."

"I don't care Tom," I roll my eyes and looked away, he came closer and put his finger under my chin, bringing my face to look at him again.

"You have a lot of courage to talk to the most powerful wizard of all time like that," Tom smirks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're not as powerful as Dumbledore," I say, I could feel Tom's face getting closer and blushed slightly.

"I will be, sooner or later," Tom whispers.

"Hey 'Rora, Mrs Weasley asked me to- - Oh!" Hermione says as she saw one of the most feared wizards of all time and I standing outside.

"Right then, I must be on my way. Goodbye Aurora." Tom apparates away and Hermione came outside and stood next to me.

"What was that about?" Hermione's furrows her brow, "and why am I not scared right now?"

"I honestly don't know 'Mione," I chuckle slightly, "let's not tell anyone that one of the most feared wizards was outside with me."


"Pinky promise?" I say, Hermione smiles and intertwines her pinkie with mine.

"Pinky promise."

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