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Chapter Twenty-Two
Another Year Passes

===Aurora's PoV===

It was a few days after the incident and Riddle helped dad escape, it honestly surprised me greatly.
I didn't tell anyone though.

The Minister had sent me a letter, telling me about how I'm the Heir to the throne and stuff.

But what interested me most was that he also mentioned that when I marry someone, my powers transfers to them. That explains why Riddle chose me, he wants my powers and he'd also be crowned king.
I hate to think of what he'll do...


"See you next year..." I say as I hugged each of my best friends. "I'll miss you!"

"Bye Aurora!" They all said the went off with their guardians.

"Aurora dear," the familiar voice of Narcissa Malfoy, the only member of the Malfoy's I liked, said. "Have you gotten the letter from the Minister?"

"Yes..." I said.

"Good," Narcissa smiles. "I'm sure you're aware of the fact that you now have a manor."

I nod slowly.

"Well, we'll be taking you there," Narcissa says.

"Um, ok," I say, confusion on my face.

It was a long and uncomfortable ride, sitting awkwardly next to Draco Malfoy wasn't helping.

Finally, we reached a manor that was in the Cotswolds.
I stared with wide eyes at the scene in front of me, I shook my head quickly and got out my trunk.

Malfoy did the same thing, so apparently their staying over now.

But it all made sense when I saw him.

"Welcome home," Riddle smirks.

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