stay safe, loves!

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heyyyyyy! just wanted to pop in and say to stay safe! make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated and keep your distance from others!

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heyyyyyy! just wanted to pop in and say to stay safe! make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated and keep your distance from others!

and of course, don't forget to stay positive! don't worry, just follow the rules and hopefully you'll be okay!

remember that i love you with all my heart.

feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.

by the way, just a quick note, i'm looking for friends since i literally don't have any. i'm serious.

as long as you can start conversations 😂 it's been so long since i've talked to people other than my family that i've become socially awkward and have no idea how to start a conversation.

anywho, if anyone wants to be friends, PM me! :)

love you ❤️
Lillia ~

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