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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Malfoy The Ferret

===Aurora's PoV===

I was sitting by the lake with Neville and Harry. Neville was reading a book with fascination on his face, whilst Harry and I were looking at the lake.

"Amazing, amazing," Neville says, looking at the book.

"Neville, you're doing it again," Harry sighs, Neville blushes in embarrassment.

"Oh, right, sorry."

"Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs?" I question, looking over Neville's shoulder.

"Professor Moody gave it to me," Neville says, "that day we had tea."

"That was nice of him," I smile at Neville, then we turned around when we heard footsteps. We wave as Hermione, Ron and Ginny come towards us. But Ron and Ginny keep their distance.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you," Hermione says in one breath.

"Is that right? Well... what?" Harry responds, Hermione sighs and goes over to Ron, and whispers something, before returning to us.

"Dean was told by Parvati that... please don't ask me to say again... Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ronald- -" Harry got cut off when Hermione's face turned red with anger.

"I am NOT an owl!" Hermione shouts before storming off, Ron glares at Harry, and Ginny mouths 'sorry.'


It was the next day and I was sitting under a tree in one of the courtyards, reading. I kept getting pestered by Malfoy and his goons, as the white-haired brat was sitting on one of the branches above me.

"Black, Hey, Black," Malfoy says, "Hello?? Earth to Black??"

"What?" I grit my teeth and look up to him, "because if you haven't noticed, I'm currently reading."

"Yeah, I don't really care," Malfoy says, "how long d'you think Potter will survive? I say ten minutes into the first task."

"Well I think he might have a chance at winning, he is the chosen one after all," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Why so tense Potter?" Malfoy jumps down, "my father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"No one cares Malfoy," I say, standing up. Malfoy turns around.

"Well, everyone seemed to enjoy badges I made," Malfoy smirks, gesturing to a badge that says 'Support Cedric Diggory - the REAL Hogwarts champion' in bright red, which then turns to 'Potter STINKS.'

"Oh that's real funny, really witty," I say sarcastically. "By the way, your father is a vile and cruel man, he always has been, but your just pathetic. C'mon Harry."

We turn around, and suddenly a flash goes by my ear. I turn round angrily to see Malfoy with his wand out. Suddenly loud shouting could be heard and a furious Mad-Eye Moody came limping towards us.

"Mr Malfoy! You NEVER, and I mean NEVER, cast a spell when someone's back is turned! 'Specially when it's a Royal!" Moody shouts, he gets out his wand and points it at Malfoy, turning him into the sneaky little ferret he is. He levitates Malfoy into the air and bounce him around. Harry and I burst out laughing, along with others who saw.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing?" McGonagall weaves her way through the crowd.

"Teaching," Moody says, concentrated on humiliating Malfoy.

"Is that a student?" McGonagall says in panic.

"Technically, it's a ferret," Moody says. He sends Malfoy up the trouser leg of Goyle, he squirms about whilst everyone was laughing. Eventually Malfoy comes back out and Moody turns him back to his original state, except that Malfoy's hair was messed up, and his robes crinkled. He had a mad look in his eyes as he blushed with humiliation.

"My father will hear about this!" Malfoy shouts.

"Is that a threat?!" Moody exclaims. Draco runs as Moody practically chases after him. "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even you greasy hair, boy! It doesn't end here!"

"We never use transfiguration as a punishment," McGonagall scolds, "surely Dumbledore told you that."

"He might've mentioned it," Moody looks round, avoiding eye contact with the Transfiguration professor.

"Well, you will do well to remember it," McGonagall strides off. Moody comes towards us.

"You alright, Black?" Moody asks, I nod.

"Yes, by the way, that was the best thing ever," I say in amazement. Moody gives a smile, then turns to Harry.

"Come with me," Moody says to Harry.

"See you at dinner Harry," I wave as I walk off. I decided to go down to the lake, where I saw Neville, reading his book on water plants. "Hey Nev."

Neville jumps, then smiles a bit, "hello Aurora."

I sit next to him, "could you tell me about the many wonders of plants?" A big grin was on Neville's face, and he talk for about two hours, non-stop, about plants, until it was dinner.

"I talk to much, don't I," Neville says as we walk to the Great Hall.

"No! Of course not," I lie, he gives me a look. ".... just a bit..."

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