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Chapter Twenty-Three
The Quidditch World Cup

===Aurora's PoV===

It was mostly silent, the tall trees of pine towered over my figure, the floor that I laid on was damp, and a drizzle of rain fell gently onto my face. I was holding something, my jacket was wrapped round the small fragile figure.

  "Harry? Ron? Hermione?" I croak out hopelessly, my left leg was bleeding heavily and I felt myself loosing consciousness. There was movement from the bundle, "stay calm, Christopher..." who's Christopher?

I picked up my wand that was next to me and pointed it to the sky, "Vermillious." Red sparks shot up into the sky, "someone will be here soon.."

Just as I was closing my eyes I saw three figures running towards me, then everything went black.


"Aurora, wake up!" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I slowly opened my eyes to see Hermione, who looked a bit concerned, "are you alright? You were tossing and turning all night."

"Yes, I'm fine," I sigh as I get up from the mattress, and collecting up a outfit to wear.

"I'll leave you to get dressed," Hermione smiles before going out of the room. Hermione and I are currently staying with Ginny in her room as I, along with Harry and Hermione, were invited to the Quidditch World Cup. I wore a green shirt, denim jeans, a denim jacket and black converse.

I opened the bedroom door and went downstairs into the kitchen, where everyone, apart from Charlie, Bill and Percy, were packing for the trip.

"Good morning," I say, Ginny and Hermione smiled at me whilst the boys just grumbled tiredly.

"Now, I think that this is everything we need..." Mr Weasley murmurs to himself before throwing on his backpack and placing his hat on his head, "right then, I think that we're ready to go now."

"Oh please do be careful!" Mrs Weasley says as Mr Weasley places a kiss on her cheek, "Fred, George, promise to not go round making bets."

"Promise mum," the twins said with cheeky grins, and off we went.

I was chatting with Hermione and Ginny about random girl stuff.

"So, who do you think is the hottest boy at Hogwarts?" Ginny says, wiggling her eyebrows. "I think that it's Har- - I mean Dean, Dean Thomas." Hermione and I share a glance as we smirked at Ginny's obvious crush on Harry.

"Well in my opinion," Hermione says, "I think that it's Barnaby Davis, you know, the boy who's in the library all the time."

"But he's a nerd 'Mione!" Ginny exclaims, earning strange looks from Harry and Ron, who were in front of us.

"Exactly, they're a perfect match!" I joke, Hermione playfully glares as she smacks me round the head, "ow!"

"Anyway, who do you think is the hottest, Aurora?" Hermione says. I pause for a moment and think.

"I'm not sure, I guess Cedric Diggory," I had a small smile on my face when I said that. Hermione and Ginny looked each other with wide grins.

"Aurora's got a crush, Aurora's got a crush~!!" Hermione and Ginny chant, the Weasley Twins slows down and walk next to us.

"And who is this crush?" Fred says with a fake 'older-protective-brother-stare.'

"Cedric Diggory," Ginny giggles as I groan.

"Ginny! You're hopeless with secrets!" I blush hard.

"Ooooooh~~~" the twins said at the same time.

"I think we'll have to give him the talk," George says, putting an arm round me.

"Agreed, brother," Fred does the same. I shake my head with a tiny smile.

"Amos! Good to see you!" Mr Weasley says, shaking hands with a middle-aged man, then a boy drops down from a tree, he had light brown hair and grey eyes. Of course, it was Cedric Diggory. "Oh and this must be Cedric!"

Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George laugh at my expression.

"Ah! Aurora! Long time, no see," Mr Diggory says, pulling me into a hug, "How are you?"

"Um... good," I say as Cedric comes over too.

"Good to see you again, love," Cedric smiles, I blush when he called me 'love.'

"Uh, yeah, you too," I say awkwardly, and thankfully we started to walk again, and of course, Hermione, Ginny and the twins were with me, staring intently at me.

"What?? Is there something on my face??" I question them, slightly annoyed at their stares.

"No, no," Hermione smiles and says loudly, "Curora or Audric?!" 

"HERMIONE?!" I shout at her, blushing with embarrassment, making everyone in the little group laugh. It was my turn to smack her round the head.

"Right then, I think we're here," Mr Diggory says, as we surrounded a smelly old shoe, "everyone make sure to grab onto the shoe in 3..."


"...1..." Everyone grabbed onto the shoe and it felt like we were on a frisbee as we spun at full speed in the air. About five seconds later, I felt arms wrap round me, then a bunch of thuds that came from below. I opened my eyes to find myself in Cedric's arms as he walked down invisible stairs and onto the grass where Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred and George were on the ground, groaning.

"Bet that cleaned your sinuses, eh?" Mr Weasley jokes as everyone got up.

"Thanks," I blush slightly as Cedric puts me down gently.

"Anytime," Cedric smirks slightly. I could feel the smug stares of Hermione and Ginny. We all start to walk across a field and up a small hill, and eccentric crowds of witches and wizards could be seen.

"Well kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!"

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