Important Questions

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Hi guys! Just a few questions for my rewrite:

1. Should I kill off Sirius?

I just think that the OC and Harry have only known Sirius for two years and next thing you know he gets killed, it was unfair and cruel, in my opinion. I have a few ideas to integrate the idea of him not dying into the story.

So, yes or no to Sirius dying?

2. Should I kill off Remus, Tonks and Fred?

I've always felt that these deaths were the ones that hit the hardest, and just made everything depressing. Like George not being able to look into a mirror without seeing his brother or Teddy growing up without his parents.

Yes or no, even just saving Fred, or just saving Remus, or just Tonks?

That's all for now. My reason for asking is that my rewrite is more or less going to be following the events of the HP series, but with more of a sweet and fluffy undertone rather than straight up depressing.

Unfortunately, I am still going to keep Cedric, Dumbledore and Dobby's deaths in it. Cedric's death was, of course, the turning point of the HP series, to mark that nothing stays the same forever. Dumbledore, well, I don't like him - I honestly didn't cry when he died. Dobby, the sweetest house elf, whilst I didn't necessarily cry when he died, I did notice the love he held and the fact that he saved Harry and his friends - I just found it just shows the appreciation he held for Harry. (Don't know if that's accurate, I haven't been in the HP community in a while)

Anyway, the rewrite, I don't know when I'll release it. I've only really started the first chapter, till I realised I hate it. I want it to be perfect for you guys, because it's what you all deserve ♡︎

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