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Chapter Eight
I Hate Spiders

===Aurora's PoV===

"Hey, Aurora," Arcturus said sitting in front of me, he looked a tad bit battered.

"Where's Charles?" He looked round avoiding eye contact.

"Um... he's in bed?" I knew that wasn't the truth but went along anyway.

I carried on eating my cereal.

"Hello Aurora," Harry and Ron came and sat next to me.

"Hey guys," I reply. "Where's Hermione?"

"We don't know," Harry said.

McGonagall came towards us with a glum look. "You better come with me."

We gave each other a look and went to the hospital wing.

McGonagall lead us to a sight I wished to never see. It was Hermione - petrified.

I let out a cry and ran to her. I took a seat next to her and just sat there.

"Does this mean anything?" McGonagall asks, holding a mirror. I lied and shook my head as I didn't want to explain.


It was evening time now, I had gotten kicked out of the hospital wing.
Harry, Ron and I were walking down the hallway when we saw a row of spiders crawling, Ron backed against the wall whimpering, "I don't like spiders."

"We normally see this when an attack happens," Harry said.

"Oh, so now you tell me," I said crossing my arms.

"Come on, let's follow them," We followed Harry as he followed the spiders.

We followed them till they got to Hagrid's hut. It was empty.

"Where's Hagrid?" I asked.

"He's in Azkaban," Ron said, I shuddered.

"Because He was accused of being the one behind all of the attacks," Harry said.

"Alohomora," I whispered pointing my wand at the door, we heard the click and we opened the door, only to get bounded on by Hagrid's dog, Fang.
"I'm pretty sure we'll need Fang when we go into the Forbidden Forest," I said casually putting the lead on Fang, Harry and Ron looked at me as though I was insane, "What? Don't you want to solve this mystery? Or just sit there while innocent Muggle borns get petrified or worse, killed and possibly the school will get shut down!"

"Fine, let's go. We are Gryffindors, well your part of Gryffindor, let's head into there and solve this mystery!" Harry said, He grabbed onto Fang's lead and we followed the spiders.

I grabbed onto Ron's arm as we walked deeper and deeper into the forbidden forest, he grabbed onto my hand.


"AHHH, what was that?" I asked. Ron jumped.

"A stick," Harry said.



"AHHH, what was that?" I asked. Ron jumped again.

"An owl," Harry said.



"AHHH, what was-."

"Oh for heavens sake Aurora, get yourself together woman! It was just the wind," Harry exclaimed.

The trees have started to get thicker, I took my wand out and whispered, "lumos."


"AHHH," I screamed, whilst Harry and Ron just jumped.

"What is it...?" Ron whimpered, grabbing onto my arm tighter.

"There's something moving over there," Harry pointed, "something huge."

We heard more snapping of twigs, tears of fear pricked my eyes.

"Oh no," me and Ron said together, gripping each other's arms, "Oh no, Oh no, Oh-."

"Shut up," Harry whispered angrily, "it'll hear you."

"Here us? It's already heard Fang," I said, my voice getting higher.

There was pure silence, then a blazing light erupted.

"Harry, Aurora, it's the car!" Ron exclaimed. We stumbled as we followed the Ford Anglia to a clearing. We ended up losing the car though, the boys were about to leave.

"Guys, I think we're at the right destination..."

All of a sudden we heard clicking, a bunch of spiders came out, not little ones, but gigantic ones.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, I tried to run away, but got seized me round the middle which resulted in me hanging upside down, "PUT ME DOWN!" I said angrily.

"Aragog! Aragog! We've got her! And some other friends!" The spider holding my called out.

From the mist, emerged a spider, the size of a small elephant. You could tell he was old since there were grey hairs all over him and his eight eyes were milky white. He was blind.

"Strangers. Kill them, leave the girl alive though, she's mine to kill."

"We're friends of Hagrid's," Harry pleaded.

"Hagrid has never sent men into my hide out before..." Aragog said slowly.

"Hagrid's in trouble! He's been sent to Azkaban because up at the school they recon that he was the one who set a Basi- I mean a something onto the students!" I exclaimed. All the spiders clicked their pincers furiously.

"But that was years ago," said Aragog fearfully, "years and years ago. I remember it well. That's why they made him leave the school. They believe that I was the monster that dwells in what they call the Chamber of Secrets. They thought that Hagrid had opened the Chamber and set me free."

"And you... you didn't come from the Chamber of a Secrets?" Harry said.

"I!" Said Aragog, clicking angrily, "I was not born in the castle. I came from a distant land. A traveler gave me to Hagrid when I was an egg. Hagrid was only a boy, but he cared for me, hidden in a cupboard in the castle, feeding me on scraps from the table. Hagrid is my good friend, and a good man. When I was discovered, and blamed for the death of a girl, he protected me. I have lived in the forest ever since, Hagrid still, visits me. He even found me a wife, Mosag, and you see how our family has grown, all through Hagrid's goodness... and the thing that live in the castle, is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others. Well I do remember how I pleaded with Hagrid to let me go, when I sensed the beast moving about the school..."

"Okay... it's nice to chit chat but we must be going now," I said before turning into a majestic Phoenix and flew out of the spiders grip.

"Get them!" The spiders darted towards us.

The ford Anglia was thundering down the slope, head lamps glaring and horn screeching. It halted in front of us, Harry practically threw me and Fang in the back seat, and then Ron and Harry dived into the front seats.

The engine roared and we zoomed off without Ron's 'fantastic driving'. Spiders were jumping onto the front of the car.

We dodged and hit our way through the forest, until we finally got out of the forest, I changed into my human form, wide eyed and mouth agape.

"Well then...." I said, we got out of the car and the car drove back into the forest. Me and Harry took Fang back the hut and he ran straight under the blankets, trembling. We walked back out to see Ron vomiting violently in the pumpkin patch, "poor guy," I said, but let out a laugh.

"Follow the spiders," said Ron weakly, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, "I swear when Hagrid gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him!"

"That's a bit harsh," I said.

"I think I've got an idea of who the girl that got killed was, I recon it was Moaning Myrtle," Harry suggested.

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