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Chapter Four
The Chamber has been Opened

===Aurora's PoV===

October 31st 1992

I woke up to someone tapping on my shoulder, I bolted upright. I thought I was the only one, apart from Dumbledore and the other staff, who knew where my dormitory was. I turned around to see a sixth year boy wearing a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform.

"Come on Black! Lets take you out onto the pitch and see what you can do!" he said cheerfully, throwing a Gryffindor Quidditch robe to me.

"Huh... who are you? And how did you get in here?" I say groggily. I shut the diary, I had spoken to Tom all night again, just like all the other nights since I started talking to him.

I was still confused on how some random boy got into the common room.

"I'm Oliver Wood, Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team," Oliver said grinning proudly, "I've heard from Harry that you're interested in being a chaser, which is brilliant! Since Katie Bell is currently resting in the Hospital Wing, due to something that happened in DADA."

"No surprises there, anyway, you didn't answer my second question," I said, looking blunt.

"Dumbledore gave me permission, now get that uniform on and go!" Oliver said, pushing me up the stairs.


I came down in the crimson uniform and my hair tied up into a pony tail.

Oliver was sat waiting patiently on the couch.

"It seems to me that the posts been," Oliver said in his Scottish accent, he gestured towards a package on the table.

I grabbed the card next to it and opened it.

Dear Aurora,

Happy Birthday! I heard that you signed up for the Gryffindor Quidditch!


I once again, was in shock. Has someone abducted the minister and replaced him with someone much nicer?

I teared open the package to see a Nimbus 2001, Oliver's mouth flew open.


"Happy Birthday Aurora!" Hermione said cheerfully.

"Appy irthday," Ron said with his mouth full.

"Happy birthday," Harry smiled slightly, his eyes were sad. The poor boy, this day must be hard for him. His parents did die on this day after all.

"Thank you!" I tiredly grin at them.

"Right then, eat up Black," Oliver said, sitting next to me and filling my plate with all sorts of food. I rolled my eyes with a smile and ate most of the food.

"Right then team! lets get going!" Oliver exclaimed as soon as my plate was finished.

"Don't we have to wait for the food to digest? Or do we just throw up on the pitch?" I mumbled to myself.

We got into squad formation (Oliver at the front) and walked down to the pitch, brooms in hand. But the moment got ruined by the little blonde first year, Colin Creevey.

"Wait for me! I've never seen Quidditch before," Colin ran towards us, and was bounding up and down with excitement. Oliver glared suspiciously at the boy.

"Are you a spy from Slytherin?" Oliver said suspiciously, Colin shook his head vigorously.

"Come on Wood, it's obvious he's not a Slytherin, he's got Gryffindor robes on, I mean it would be suspicious if he were to be wearing Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw robes."

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