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Chapter Twenty
The Execution of Buckbeak

===Aurora's PoV===

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Apollo and I walked out of the Great Hall, deciding to go comfort Hagrid. Since it's the day of the execution. Apollo joined us because he said about how we haven't spent enough time together.

We came to the stone circle to see Malfoy and his goons. They heard our footsteps and turned around.
In Malfoy's hand were binoculars - I gasped in annoyance.

"How dare you!" I shouted at him. "You disgusting ferret!"

"Oh, come to see the show?" Malfoy laughed out, ignoring my comment.

"You foul. Loathsome. Evil. Little Cockroach!" Hermione said dangerously, pushing her wand into his neck.

"Stop Hermione, he's not worth it," Ron tried to calm her down. Hermione let out a sigh before turning around, Malfoy let out a laugh.
Hermione spun round and punched him square in the nose.

"YAS QUEEN!" I exclaim whilst hiving her a high-five.

"Let's get out of here!" Malfoy whimpered before glaring at us then running off with his gang full of idiots.

"That felt amazing!" Hermione smirked in joy.

"Amazing? That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said whilst Harry and Apollo just grinned. We walked down towards Hagrid's hut.

"Guys, I'm just gonna stay with Bucky for a bit," I said, motioning over to Buckbeak, who was sitting calmly in the vegetable patch. The four nodded before heading inside.

"Hey Bucky," I said sitting in front of him.

He squawked, I looked round before whispering:

"I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

I checked to see if anyone was looking before grabbing Buckbeak's leash and leading him towards the forbidden forest.
I walked him through the trees and the bit of the forest that had a view of the Whomping Willow. I tied him to a tree and put a couple of dead ferrets on the ground for him.

"Now, stay there, Okay?" I told him softly, petting him. He squawked again.

I smiled before running up to the Whomping Willow, only to see Ron chasing after his rat, Scabbers.

"Scabbers! Wait!" Ron cried out.

"Ron! You know what tree that is?!" Hermione said worriedly.

"It's the Whomping Willow! Ron! Run!" I screamed at Ron as I jogged over to where Harry, Hermione and Apollo was.

"Harry, Hermione, Aurora, Apollo! Run!" Ron said, pointing behind us, before we could even turn round.
A black dog jumped over us and ran over to Ron. The dog clasped his jaws over Ron's leg and dragged him down, underneath the tree.

"No!" I shouted. I breathed out before whipping out my wand, "Immobulus!"

The tree froze.

"Alright, let's go in," Hermione said before going into the hole that lead to a narrow passageway.

"Is this where I think it leads to?" I asked.

"I think so, but I hope that I'm wrong..." Harry whispers.

Anxiety filled my stomach as we walked up some torn up stairs and into a room which had a whimpering Ron.

"Ron!" I shouted then ran over to him.

"Are you okay?" Apollo asks.

"Forget about me! It's him! He's an animagus!" Ron shouted out.

Our eyes followed paw prints until they turned into human foot prints. The door slammed shut, and there standing.... was Sirius Black.

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