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Chapter Nine
The Chamber of Secrets

===Aurora's PoV===

After a long morning and afternoon of hearing Ron moaning about how we should of just asked moaning Myrtle the whole time, we were now being led by Lockhart to History of magic, our last lesson, me being next to him of course...

"Mark my words, the first words out of those poor petrified people's mouths will be, it was Hagrid. Frankly, I'm astounded Professor McGonagall thinks all these security measures are necessary," Lockhart rambled.

"I agree, Professor," I said, making Harry and Ron nearly drop their books in surprise.

"Thank you, dear," Lockhart said graciously. "I mean, we teachers have quite enough to be getting on with, without walking students to classes and standing and standing guard all night..."

"That's right," said Ron, starting to catch on, "you can leave us, we've only got one more corridor."

"You know what, Weasley, I need to sort out for my next lesson," then he hurried off.

"Preparing for next lesson, more like gone to curl his hair," Ron sneered.

We made our way to the 3rd floor girls lavatory only to be stopped by McGonagall, "where do you think your going?"

"We're going to visit Hermione, you see, we're awfully close, almost sisters!" I lied. The boys nodded, and shockingly, McGonagall's eyes filled with tears and she smiled.

"Very well Black, Potter and Weasley, I'll inform Professor Binns on where your are and make sure to tell madam Pomfrey I gave permission," and just like that she walked away, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. We gave each other looks of confusion.

We walked to moaning Myrtles bathroom to talk about how to solve this.

"I know what the creature is," I said once we got inside, "it's a basilisk."

"What's a basilisk?" Ron said.

"A basilisk is a big snake-like creature, to stare at it with blind eye will kill you, but if you have some sort of protection it'll just petrify you," I explained. "It's been traveling through the pipes, that's why Harry and I have been hearing voices, and the Muggle-borns have had some sort of protection."

"That means Mrs Norris looked into the water, Colin looked through the camera and Justin looked through nearly headless Nick!" Harry said.

"Should we tell McGonagall?" Ron suggested. I nodded.

Just as we left the bathroom the voice of McGonagall rang through the hallways, "all students must proceed to the dormitories, all staff to the third floor corridor."

We ran as quickly, but as quietly as possible, we saw that there was another message, teachers were surrounding it, the message read:


"Who's the student Minerva?" Madam Hooch said.

"Ginny Weasley," I felt Ron stiffen, and then sliding down the wall.
All of a sudden Lockhart showed up beaming.

"Sorry, dozed off, what did I miss?"

"A girl has been taken down to the Chamber, perhaps you should go a retrieve her since you've been telling me how you know where the Chamber is located," Snape said, all the other teachers nodded, since of corse he is the defence against the dark arts teacher. You've got to be kidding me.

"Uh- r...right I'll go get... ready..." he said before dashing off to his office, once everyone left, I grabbed Harry and Ron's robes and apperated to Lockhart's office.

"What do you think your doing?!" I said, Lockhart was packing.

"There was nothing in the job description about saving girls from a chamber!"

"I knew you were a fraud, just stealing other people's work!" I shout.

"Well, I've got a speciality with memory charms, so I'm afraid I'll have to do it to you," He was about to get his wand out, but we beat him to it.

"Your coming with us down to the Chamber!" Harry said.

We walked single file, me in front since I actually knew where the Chamber is, we went into the 3rd floor bathrooms.

"Hello Aurora, brought more friends?"

"Sorry Myrtle, but we're on a quest to find the Chamber of Secrets, you were the girl that died, weren't you," she nodded.

"Oh, it was terrible, I was in the toilets crying because 4th year Ravenclaws were making fun of my glasses when I heard this made up language, I went to tell them to GO AWAY but only to be met by big, yellow eyes," she explains. "Oh, and Harry, if you die down there, your welcome to share my toilet."

"I'll think about it," Harry said awkwardly. I pointed to where we needed to be, the sink with little snake patterns.

"You do the deeds Harry."

He went up to the sink and said, "open up."

"That was English." Ron said.

"Open up," but this time it was more snakelike, but of course all that Ron heard was hissing.

The sinks started moving to reveal a black hole.

"Um... ladies first," Lockhart pushed me in.


"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- OOF! Oooh it's dark down here, ewww there's bones, human I think, and- MERLINS BEARD WHAT IS THAT! Oh it's a snake skin. ITS ALRIGHT I'M ALIVE! IT'S SAFE DOWN HERE! I think..." I mumbled at the end.

I heard another scream, this time it was Lockhart.

"Oh Merlin..." he whispered, then Harry and Ron slid down.

"Can we do it again?" I asked.

"No, definitely not." Harry said.

"Aww..." I pouted, "anyways, I saw this snake skin thing, it has to be at least 60 feet long."

Lockhart fainted, but once we had our backs turned, Lockhart grabbed Ron's wand.

"Now like I said before, I have a specialty with memory charms, I'll say you lost your minds, seeing Ginny's mangled body, and that there was no way to save her."

"You really are a terrible person," I glared at him.

"Obliviate!" He exclaimed, the spell backfired onto him and the power knocked him backwards, and the cavern started to shake as rocks stated piling down.

I coughed once the dust cleared away, I realised me and Harry got cut off from Ron and Lockhart.

"Harry, Aurora! Are you alright?" Ron's voice called out.

"Yes!" We both called out.

"Are you ok?" I said.

"Yes, I am but this git isn't, got blasted by the wand! And we can't get through, it'll take ages!" His voice sounded muffled.

"Okay, Ron, wait with Lockhart! If We're not back in an hour then..." Harry said grimly.

"I'll try and shift this rock so you two can get through!"

"S-see you in a bit..." we carried on walking, following the conundrums of twists and turns of the damp tunnel.

Soon enough we got to a solid wall, which had two serpents were carved into it. Their eyes looked strangely alive.

"I think you need to do the parseltongue thing again..." I whispered to Harry.

"Open," said Harry, in a low, faint hiss. The serpents parted as the wall slid smoothly out of sight, and we entered the Chamber of Secrets, clutching our wands and shaking from head to toe...

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