Chapter One

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Erika Mikaelson is a party animal, animal being the operative word there, born a werewolf and then turned into a vampire by her step-father, Mikael in her late teens. It was then that she learnt about her true heritage, along with her twin brother they learnt that their mother had been unfaithful and lain with a beast which resulted in the two of them being born. And once they killed for the first time, it revealed to them what they truly are, abominations of nature, half werewolf and half vampire. It was then that Mikael locked away their wolf side with the help of their mother. And the twins have been spending the last 1,000 years trying to break that lock, that curse placed on them, well Niklaus more then her, she would rather party her immortality away then obsess over a curse. So that's why she opened her own bar, a supernatural bar, almost all creatures are welcome, as long as they Don't eat the other patrons, and are on their best behaviour. And she loves it. Erika throws her head around as she drunk dances on the bar counter, her hair wild, her shoes obscenely high, her skirt riding up her thighs. She's been around a while, but she has to say the 21st century is one of the better times to be alive, undead anyway, the drinks, the music. A thousand years of changing times and she has been there for all of it.

"Whoa!" she cheers and smiles, At the back of the bar, an older man (Bobby) and two younger men (Dean and Sam) watch her, Bobby looks to Dean.

"Dean, is that her?" he asks, Dean nods.

"Yeah, that's her, how'd you know who I meant?" Dean asks back.

"You described her in pretty vivid detail" Bobby complains. "Down to the tattoo on her shoulder" Bobby points forward where the hummingbird can be seen on Erika's shoulder. "I've crossed her before, your Dad has fact you talk to any hunter...and they'll say they've had dealings with her or her family or at least heard of them"

"Crossed her?" Sam asks looking to him, Bobby looks to him.

"Erika's not exactly human, but....for the most part, she's....this" Bobby motions to the drunk vampire dancing. Dean and Sam watch her drinking from a bottle of tequila.

"So why would I be resurrected with a vision of her" Dean motions to Erika. "In my head?" he asks. They each share a look.

"She'll see you now" someone behind them states, the three men turn to him. "This way" Dean glances back at the bar, Erika smirks watching him.

"Dean" Sam states, Dean looks to him and then back to Erika, who's gone, Dean shakes his head and follows his brother.


Bobby, Dean and Sam look around at the people placed around the room they're in, something about them screams not human, the door at the back of the room opens and Erika walks in, she looks over each of them before she smirks.

"Bobby Singer" Erika states as she drops onto the sofa. "I thought we agreed that if you ever came after me again I'd rip your heart out" she states sweetly.

"I'm not hunting you, Erika" Bobby tells her taking a seat.

"Then what is this about?" Erika asks leaning forward.

"I woke up in a grave after spending months in hell" Dean answers. "And the first thing I saw.....was you" she raises an eyebrow at him. " or something"

"Any of you want a drink?" She asks standing and moving to the drinks unit at the side. "So" she starts pouring a drink. "You're here because....your friend here" she motions to Dean. "Comes back from the dead, and the first thing he a vision of me?" she points to herself.

"Yep" Dean agrees, Erika raises an eyebrow and grabs her poured drink. "If you have any......theories, we're all ears" Erika moves to walk along the book case behind her desk, she taps a nail to her glass.

"I'm guessing you've gone through the usual suspects?" she asks looking to Bobby.

"He was tested" Bobby answers.

"Hmmm well visions are usually witch territory" she tells them then looks to Dean. "Annoyed one lately?" she asks.

"Been dead for the last 4 months" Dean answers, Erika drops into her seat and sighs.

"Try a psychic" she offers. "A good one though, Don't skimp on the psychic, loves" she cocks her head. "I have a number for one" she grabs her cell phone from the side. "She's very, very good...." she flicks through her contacts. "Hmmmm Pamela she was fun" she teases writing down the number, she rips it from the note pad and holds it out to Dean who hesitantly takes it. "She's the best damn psychic you will ever come nice to her" Erika leans back. "Now if there's nothing else...." she motions with her glass to the door. "Unless you want to try and kill me again?" she asks amused looking to Bobby who smirks and stands.

"I'm working on it" he teases back.

"I look forward to it, love" Erika teases him back, Bobby looks to her, she winks. Bobby shakes his head and leaves, Sam follows, Dean looks to Erika who raises an eyebrow at him. "Problem?" she asks.

"You're not curious?" he asks back. "Why I had this vision of you?" she shrugs and makes an indifferent face at him and smirks around her glass.

"It could be for a number of things" she answers. "Many of which probably wouldn't even make my top ten of interesting" she sets her legs on her table, kicking off her shoes. "I suppose if you feel the need to tell me" she cocks her head. "You can find me here" she tells him with a smirk. "Of course....." she looks over him, appreciatively, Dean looks to Sam who smirks. "I'll be here if you have....other needs" she purrs. "Too. Dean Winchester" he looks to her surprised. "You look just like your father" she tells him with a smile. "Plus I recognised that leather jacket" she motions to his jacket. "And the Impala in the parking lot" she teases. Dean smirks back at her. "I'm guessing if you have them then.....I'm sorry" she offers. Dean clears his throat and looks away.


"There have been few that have come after me and come as close as he at besting me" Erika tells Dean. "I was I let him live" she shrugs, her cell phone then ringing, she glances to it, her smile falls before she straightens up. "Excuse me" she tells them. "But it seems family has just cropped up" she grabs her cell phone and motions to the door. "It's been nice meeting you, love" she tells Dean before walking away and answering her cell phone. "Niklaus" Dean watches her go before turning to his brother and Bobby.

"Come on" Dean states tugging his jacket closer and leaving with them. 

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