Chapter Thirty-Six

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Sam is doing laundry as Dean sits nearby, reading Chuck's latest manuscript, Erika sits at his side, one leg crossed over the other.

"I'm sitting in a laundromat, reading about myself sitting in a laundromat reading about myself. My head hurts" Dean tells them.

"There's got to be something this guy's not telling us" Sam offers as he turns to toss his darks into the machine. Dean continues reading.

"Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether he was telling the whole truth"

"Stop it"

""'Stop it,' Sam said." Guess what you do next" Sam turns away, scowling. "Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive." I mean, I don't know how he's doing it, but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face, but those are definitely your "brooding and pensive" shoulders" Sam sighs, exasperated. Dean looks down at the manuscript. "You just thought I was a dick" Sam turns around looking impressed as Erika smirks.

"The guy's good," Sam tells them.

"Maybe he's an untapped witch?" Erika asks. "You know he has magic in him, he just doesn't know how to channel it. And he's receiving visions, prophetic visions" she motions to the manuscript. "And...these are prophetic writings" Dean and Sam stare at her. "What?" she asks. "Like it's any crazier than everything else that happens to us" she points out taking the manuscript from Dean.


Chuck is dozing at his desk, having another intense dream. He sees flashes of Sam in a motel room with a beautiful young blonde woman. She sits and pats the bed. Sam approaches slowly, looking entranced. Her eyes turn white. She draws Sam to her on the bed. Chuck wakes up, panicked.


Erika, Sam, and Dean are back, and Chuck paces nervously, as if building up the courage to speak. He holds more pages in his hands.

"So... You wrote another chapter?" Sam asks.

"This was all so much easier before you were real"

"We can take it; just spit it out," Dean tells him.

"You especially are not gonna like this"

"I didn't like hell"

"It's Lilith. She's coming for Sam" Chuck tells them.

"Coming to kill him?"

"When?" Erika asks.


"She's just gonna show up? Here?" Chuck sits, puts his glasses on.

"Uh... let's see, uh" He reads from the manuscript. ""Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion."" Sam laughs.

"You're kidding me, right?" he asks.

"You think this is funny?" Dean asks.

"You don't? I mean, come on. "Fiery demonic passion"?"

"It's just a first draft" Chuck admits.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Lilith is a little girl" Dean points out.

"No, uh, this time she's a "comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana.""

"Great. Perfect. So what happens after the... "fiery demonic" whatever?" Dean asks.

"I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet"

"Dean, look, there's nothing to worry about. Lilith and me? In bed?" Dean glares at Sam, Erika looks to Chuck.

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