Chapter Forty

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The impala and Erika's mini are next to a lake, Sam sits in the passenger side of the mini brushing his teeth. Erika and Dean are sleeping in the impala, his hands settling under her shirt on her back, her head nuzzled into his neck. Dean groans as he wakes, wrapping his arms tighter around Erika before shifting slightly pulling the blanket back over her back.

"Eri" he whispers. She shifts, her hips moving against his, he closes his eyes and tightens his jaw, clutching to her waist, she chuckles into his neck. He smacks her ass and chuckles with her. She lifts her head and smiles at him. "Hey" he whispers.

"Hey yourself, love" she whispers back, he kisses her. She pulls away first to straddle his legs, stretching her arms over her head and rolls her shoulders. Dean runs his hand over her hips and under her shirt, she looks down at him, he smirks up at her. "We should get up," she tells him.

"Five more minutes" he pulls her back down to him. She smirks and kisses him.


Sam looks to Erika as she climbs out of the impala, not at all bothered by the fact she is only wearing a tank top and panties, she smiles at Sam, who raises an eyebrow back at her as she walks to the mini to grab a change of clothes, Sam looks to Dean as he gets out the impala.

"Hey. How'd you two sleep?" Sam asks with a smirk.

"How do you think?" Dean asks back. "I'm starving. Let's get breakfast"

"Where? We're like two hours from anything" Sam tells him.

"But I'm hungry now" Dean complains.

"There's probably still a sandwich in the back seat" Dean turns around, rubbing a hand over his face, and reaches in through the open back window, pulling out a paper bag. He opens the bag and sniffs, then leans his head back and inhales.

"It's tuna" Dean complains, again, Erika looks to Sam who shoots her an exasperated look, she smirks before pulling on a shirt.

"He's your brother" she points out.

"Some days I wonder" Sam teases, Dean looks between the both of them, shooting them a look. A phone rings inside the impala. Dean tosses the bag back into the back seat and puts his hands to his jeans pockets. Sam spits out toothpaste foam. Dean leans in through the front window and rummages in the glove compartment, pulling out the ringing phone. Dean hits his head on the roof as he tries to get out. Dean looks at the phone. "Isn't that Dad's phone?" Dean flips the phone open, presses a button, and puts it to his ear.

"Hello?" A young man, Adam Milligan, answers.

"Uh, is this John?"

"He can't come to the phone. Can I help you?" Dean asks.

"No no no—I really—I need to talk to John. This is Adam Milligan. He knows me"

"Well, sorry to be the one to break this to you, pal, but John died more than two years ago," Dean tells him, there is a shocked sound. "Who is this?"

"I'm his son" Dean stares.


Dean presses his head to Erika's shoulder and threads his fingers with hers.

"This is a family thing," she tells him, he grumbles into her shoulder. "You and Sam need to do this together" he pulls back and pulls a face at her. "All right, love?" she asks, he nods a little, playing with her hand. "You know where I'll be" she whispers, kisses him before pulling away and walking to her car, she waves to Sam who waves back, before she climbs in and drives away, Dean shuffles his feet a little, a heavy feeling setting in his chest, he kicks a stone and turns to the impala and Sam. Sam seeing something on his brother's face. Something that kind of affirms what he'd been getting from them both, that his brother was utterly in love with the vampire.

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