Chapter Fifteen

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Erika scoots closer to Dean as Sam walks across the garage forecourt to the store, Dean glances to her.

"I thought you spoke, love" he nods and turns sideways on the car bench.

"Yeah, kind of" she shoots him a look. "Look, we did, I told him I remembered but didn't want to talk about Hell, and he seemed to accept that, clearly not any more"

"I see" Erika states, Dean looks to her.

"What do you mean?"

"You tell each other only enough to breach the surface" she tells him. "But the current is ever changing" she leans on the back of the seat. "And soon enough it all comes back" he takes her hand and plays with her daylight ring. "He'll tell you when he's ready" Erika tells him. "Just as you will him" she smirks. "You're both bloody stubborn which doesn't help"

"Says the woman refusing to tell us what she is" Dean teases back, Erika nods, agreeing, she leans closer.

"Tell you what" she starts. "You two talk and I mean really talk, get everything out in the air, then I'll tell you exactly what I am, I'll tell you everything" Dean looks to her. "My whole story" she adds, he sighs and then kisses her.

"Fine" he agrees pulling back. "But don't hold your breath"

"You too, darling" she whispers and leans back as Sam returns. Dean squeezes Erika's hand before she pulls it back, getting herself comfy again. Sam climbs in and holds out a bottle of water to Erika who takes it from him. "Thanks, love" she tells him and leans back, Samael is now sitting next to her watching the two brothers. Erika looks away from him and out the window.

"I don't like them" Samael tells her. "They're hunters, they'll hurt you" he scoots closer to her, Erika tightens her jaw, she can't talk to him here, not without sounding like she's insane. Samael turns and lays with his head in her lap looking up at her. "Turbs de a geraa" he coos nuzzling into her stomach. "Mine" he claims.


Sam and Dean talk to Anna Milton's psychologist, Erika stands down the hall leaning against the wall listening.

"Of course I want to help however I can"

"Now, the orderly has no recollection of Anna's escape?" Sam asks.

"Apparently, she knocked him unconscious. The blow caused some amnesia. He doesn't even remember coming into her room"

"That's a hell of a right hook to knock out a guy that's got 80 pounds on her" Dean points out.

"We think she may have planned this, waited behind the door"

"Right. Uh, you mentioned Anna's illness was recent" Sam points out.

"Two months ago, she was happy, well-adjusted, journalism major, lots of friends -- Bright future"

"So, what happened -- she just... flipped?"

"Well, that's the tragedy of schizophrenia. Within weeks, Anna was overtaken by delusions"

"What kind of delusions?" Sam asks.

"She thought demons were everywhere" The psychologist gives a sketch book to Sam


"It's not uncommon for our patients to believe that monsters are real"

"Well, that -- that's just batty" Dean mumbles. Sam turns the pages and they see some meaningful sketches and the text 'Raising of the Witnesses' and in the next page 'Samhain the next seal is broken'. "That's Revelations"

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