Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Missing posters are tacked to a telephone pole. The Impala drives in followed by another car; visible behind them is a billboard that says "ANTI-GOD IS ANTI-AMERICAN" on an American-flag background, next to a sign that advertises "ADULT VIDEOS". Dean and Sam both have hands out the windows, phones in hand.

"You getting a signal?" 

"No, nothing" Dean answers.

"Nice and bloody spooky" Erika teases, Dean waves the other car up next to him. Ellen is driving, Jo shotgun.

"Place seem a little empty to you?"

"We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody" Dean tells them.

"Okay" Dean drives off. Ellen parks. Jo gets out and turns to look at Castiel in the back seat.

"Ever heard of a door handle"

"Of course I have" Castiel is standing outside the car. He looks around; the street is deserted except for the three of them.

"What is it, Cas?" Ellen asks.

"This town's not empty" From Castiel's point of view, the town is filled with dozens of old white men in suits, all standing still, attention fixed on something in the distance. "Reapers"

"Reapers? As in more than one?"

"They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here" Castiel walks off, pausing to look at the nearest reaper, who ignores him. Jo and Ellen look at each other. Castiel's attention is caught by a reaper inside a building who turns away from the window, the first of the dozens to show any signs of life. The building's marquee reads "JESUS SAVES".


Castiel appears inside the building at that window. He comes down the corridor and enters a room.

"Hello, brother" Then there is white light.


Ellen and Jo are back in their car. They come to a stop next to Dean and Sam

"Station's empty" Dean explains.

"So's everything else"

"Have you seen Cas?" Ellen asks.

"What? He was with you" Sam points out.

"Nope. He went after the reapers" Ellen explains.


"He saw reapers? Where?" Sam asks.

"Well, kind of everywhere" Dean and Sam look at each other.

"That might explain why Erika wandered off as well" Sam points out.


Castiel is standing in the center of a ring of fire. He notices the other person in the room.


"So I take it you're here with the Winchesters" Lucifer points out.

"I came alone"

"Loyalty. Such a nice quality to see in this day and age. Castiel, right? Castiel. I'm told you came here in an automobile"


"What was that like?" Castiel looks around.

"Um. Slow. Confining"

"What a peculiar thing you are"

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now