Chapter Sixty-One

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Erika wakes with a groan, turns herself over onto her knees and pushes herself to her feet. She takes a breath and regrets it, blood, humans, that's all she can smell, the overbearing thumping of a heartbeat in her ear. She moves towards the motel door.

"Erika?" Sam asks behind the locked door.

"I'm sorry" she answers him. "I have to...I can't....I'm so hungry" she admits.

"Erika" Sam shouts. "We'll ride this out, come on, you have to" Sam gets no reply. "Erika?" he bangs on the door. "Erika!" the motel room is empty, door swinging closed.


Castiel appears in the Impala with another hamburger, Dean looks to him.

"Are you serious?" he asks.

"These make me...very happy"

"How many is that?"

"I lost count. It's in the low hundreds. What I don't understand is...where is your hunger, Dean?"


"Well, slowly but surely, everyone in this town is falling prey to Famine, but so far, you seem unaffected"

"Hey, when I want to drink, I drink. When I want sex, Erika gives it. Same goes for a sandwich or a fight"

"'re saying you're just well-adjusted?"

"God, no. I'm just well-fed"

"Look there" Another man in a black suit comes out of the hospital, carrying a briefcase. He drives off. Dean and Castiel follow him in the Impala.


Erika feeds from some young man she'd managed to lure into an alley, she's not being gentle, or careful, she's doing this to feed a hunger deep inside, she pulls back and breaths heavily, then drop him, dead, she wipes at her face and licks her lips. She's still hungry. She looks towards the alley entrance.

"Help me" she puts on a pathetic weak voice. "Please, somebody help me" a man steps into the alley and she smirks, blood dripping off her chin.


Sam struggles against the cuffs.

"Ugh!" Sam hears the dresser being moved, unblocking the bathroom door. "Guys? Guys, what happened? I don't think it worked. I think I'm still--" the bathroom door opens, and two demons enter. "..still hungry" The female demon smirks.

"Look at this. Someone trussed you up for us. Boss says we can't kill you...but I bet we can break off a few pieces" the male demon leans down and breaks Sam's cuffs. Sam knocks him violently back and he crashes into the shower wall.

"Ugh!" Sam tackles the female demon and brings her crashing down onto the glass table in the main room. He grabs a shard of glass and stabs her in the throat with it. Sam latches onto the female demon's neck and starts drinking her blood.

"Get him off! Get him off!" The male demon tries to pull Sam off of the female demon, but can't budge him. Sam's shirt tears. The male demon grabs a piece of wood and attempts to hit Sam with it, but Sam turns to face him, raises his hand and telekinetically flings the male demon against the wall.

"Wait your turn"


Dean and Castiel are parked outside of a Biggerson's restaurant, Dean looking through binoculars.

"Demons" he states and lowers them. "You want to go over the plan again?" Castiel says nothing, Dean looks to him. "Hey, happy meal. The plan?"

"I take the knife, I go in, I cut off the ring hand of Famine, and I meet you back here in the parking lot"

(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now