Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Alaric/Klaus runs up to Bonnie and Elena outside.

"Elena!" he shouts.

"What is it?"

"He has Jeremy"

"What?" the two girls ask together.

"Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on" They follow him through a side door and into a hallway.

"Okay, so where are you taking us?" Elena asks.

"Just a little further" 

"Wait...Something's not right" 

"Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie asks, Alaric/Klaus stops walking and laughs.

"I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade" He laughs. "I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz" 

"Alaric. Are you on vervain?" Elena asks.

"Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?"

"He's being compelled"

"Nope. Try again" 

"What's going on?" Elena asks.

"Okay, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric"

"Klaus!" Alaric/Klaus smiles broadly.


"Oh, no. No, it's not possible" Elena argues.

"Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight" He looks at Bonnie. "But you are" He starts towards Bonnie but she throws him against the wall with her powers. He gets up. "Now, did I mention that I knew a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that" He rushes over to her and she throws him against a display case, smashing the glass. He falls to the ground but laughs. "By all means...Fire away!" He gets up. "If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy" 

"Go. Run. Run!" They run. Bonnie closes the doors with her powers. Erika and Damon run through another pair of doors and joins them.

"What happened?" Damon asks.

"Klaus is in Alaric's body"


"He's possessing it or something" Bonnie explains, Damon looks to Erika, she gives him a look back. He turns to Elena.

"Go find Stefan. Now"


"Now" She leaves. Erika, Damon, and Bonnie are alone.

"He's got a protection spell on him" Erika explains, Bonnie nods. "You're going to have to trust me," Erika tells her. "And I know, it's a crazy idea but you're going to have to trust me" Bonnie nods. "Right, are going to have to die," Erika tells her, Bonnie looks to Damon who nods.

"Okay," Bonnie agrees.


Bonnie is in the hallway, alone. She walks determinedly through the hallway. She enters the cafeteria. Alaric/Klaus is sitting in a chair, a knife in between his fingers. He wiggles the knife as he speaks.

"What took you so long? Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" She breaks his wrist of the hand holding the knife with her powers. The knife drops onto the floor. He grabs his hand and twists it with a jerk back into place. "The hard way. Got it" He gets up. She breaks his shoulder with her powers. He groans. "What? You'd kill your favorite history teacher?"

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