Chapter Fifty-Six

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It's another two months before Sam and Dean make it back to Erika's, Halloween, and whilst not exactly a holiday they like to celebrate they can't avoid it. The two brothers stand in the doorway to the bar looking in, they share an amused look before looking back to Erika, who is dancing in what can only be described as a Dracula costume, on the tables, her hair all backcombed and wild. Dean smiles watching her, after a bad two months this is nice, coming back to her. It's not exactly a normal relationship, for starters she's a vampire and he's a hunter. But he doesn't care. This is the most he's felt like home in years, and it's because of her. Erika spins on the table and her eyes find him, she smiles, beams at him, like the world around her is forgotten. She jumps down and disappears into the crowd before she is at his side pulling him into a kiss, he smirks and kisses her back.

"Hey" he greets pulling back, Erika licks her lips.

"Hey, yourself, love" she coos grabbing hold of his jacket and smirking at him.

"Hello, Erika" Sam states, she looks to him.

"Hey gorgeous" she coos, Sam chuckles.

"You know, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to drink the stock" he teases, she smirks and bites her lip.

"I do what I want" she teases back.

"I'm going to grab a beer," Sam tells them heading to the bar, Dean pulls Erika closer and kisses her.


Dean lays with Erika's head on his chest, she traces patterns across his stomach, his strokes her back.

"Lindsey's my bar manager, but I'm still training her and the rest of the new staff up, especially with the new drinks menu and the food...and all the theme recipes" Erika explains. "It's taking longer then I wanted but...once it's done I can...I can come with you, if you still want me to" she coos lifting her head from his chest, Dean smiles and strokes her cheek.

"Yeah, I do," he tells her. "Do you think I would keep coming back if I didn't" he teases and pokes her nose.

"Any luck on the Colt?" she asks, he shakes his head.

"But we did find a....what was it Cas called him?....A cambion?" Erika sits up.

"A cambion....half-demon, half-human, fascinating" her eyes sparkle. "What was he like? How powerful was he? Where is he now?" Dean raises an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"" he offers. "Still surprising me" she smiles at him. "He was just a kid, Eri, and he was being dragged into the angel/demon pissing match" Dean scoffs. "The world is falling apart" Erika leans closer and kisses him.

"And you'll fix it," she tells him pulling back touching his chest, he strokes her hair and shakes his head.

"I don't know if I can" he admits twirling a strand of her hair.

"Well...I believe in you" she tells him.

"Why?" he asks disbelievingly. He can't understand what this vampire sees when she looks at him, she shrugs and smiles, he brushes his thumb over her cheek. "Tell me" he whispers.

"I don't think you're ready, love" she answers. "Not just yet" he threads his fingers into her hair and smirks pulling her closer.

"But you will tell me?" he asks.

"One day" she answers and kisses him before pulling back and snuggling into his neck.


1000+ years ago: A 16-year-old Erika braids a 13-year-old Rebekah's hair as they sit outside the hut they call home, Rebekah has a pile of daisies at her side and is chaining them together with a smile. Samael leans against the stable side watching the two girls, a smirk on his lips. Erika looks up and across at him and he's utterly lost. He had been planning on corrupting her, twisting her, turning her soul dark, but the depth of her eyes and that perfect face and that smile, his entire plan has changed, he wants her. Across from them is current, present Erika, she stands watching them, she knows this is a dream, Lucifer appears next to Erika and holds out a bag of chips.

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