Chapter Fourteen

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Sam and Dean are back at Erika's bar, Sam appears to be drunk and is playing pool with a man, Dean watches drinking his own beer.

"Are you hustling?" Erika asks appearing at Dean's side. "In my bar?" he looks to her and smirks.


"Oh, no, love" she smirks. "But you should be careful who you hustle in here" she collects empty glasses from the table next to her. "Given the sort of people I play host to" she teases walking away. Dean watches her go before turning back to watch Sam.

"Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just -- just give me a chance to win it back"

"It's your cash" Brian tells Sam, Dean then intervenes.

"Excuse me. My brother's a little sauced to be making bets" Dean tells Brian.

"He insisted"

"Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him? I'm just saying"

"Hey, shut up, Dean. I'm fine"

"No, you're not fine. You're drunk!"

"Let's make it five hundred"

"Five hundred?" Dean asks unbelievingly at Sam.

"Sure" Sam puts the money down on the pool table.

"Five hundred. Your break" While Brian is looking down, Sam raises his eyebrows at Dean. For a second there's no trace of drunkenness. Dean raises his eyebrows at Sam. Sam breaks, sinking several balls, then sees Ruby across the bar.

"Keep the money" Sam puts his cue down on the pool table and walks towards Ruby.

"Keep the money? What..." After a moment, Dean follows Sam.

"Hey" Sam greets Ruby.

"Well, you got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me" Dean tells her, Ruby stiffens as Erika appears behind her.

"Your kind aren't welcome here" Erika tells her. "If you're wise, you'd leave, now" Ruby glances to her, the veins under Erika's eyes creep up before disappearing.

"I just have some info for them, and then I'm gone" Ruby tells her, Erika snorts and looks to the brothers.

"Interesting company you keep" she growls, shoots Ruby a look before walking away. Ruby looks to Sam and Dean.

"Could say the same" She states. "An Original, really?" she asks them. "And not just any Original, one of the, you guys know how to pick 'em"

"What is it?" Sam asks.

"I'm hearing a few whispers"

"Ooh, great, demon whisperers -- that's reliable"

"Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter-egg hunt"

"Why? Who is she?"

"No idea. But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do"

"Look, maybe we should check it out" Sam tells Dean.

"Actually, we're working a case, but thanks" Dean tells Ruby.

"What case?"

"Uh, we've got leads, big leads"

"Sounds dangerous"

"Yeah, well, it sure ain't goose-chasing after some chick who, for all we know, doesn't even exist, just because you say she's important"

"I'm just delivering the news. You can do whatever you want with it. Far as I'm concerned, I told you, I'm done" Ruby walks away

"Wait, wait, wait. This hospital Anna escaped from -- it got a name?" Sam asks her.


"Demons? Really, love?" Erika asks, Dean shrugs and grabs his duffel from her bed.

"Believe me I am not happy about that either" he grumbles. "But she seemed to know you"

"Most monsters know of my family" she answers leaning against the door frame, Dean moves towards her and raises an eyebrow.

"She was afraid of you" he points out, she smirks.

"Most are" she tells him.

"What's an Original?" he asks her, she smirks and pulls him closer.

"You're smart, Dean, what do you think it means?" she asks nuzzling into his jaw, he groans and wraps an arm around her.

"No blood currently reaching my brain, Erika" he teases, she chuckles and pulls back.

"Think about it" she tells him before walking away, Dean groans and throws his head back before following her.

"Come with us" he asks of her again, she chuckles and looks to him.

"We talked about this" she answers stopping to turn to him.

"Yeah, whilst me and Sam were at odds, now that's better....." he points out, she sighs and gives him a look.

"The third wheel point still stands, love" she points out.

"Sam won't mind" he leans closer. "Want me to beg?" he asks with a smirk, she smirks.

"Depends" she clutches to his shirt. "Will you get on your knees?" she asks, he nods.

"If that's what it takes" he answers, she sighs.

"I'll need to arrange cover for the bar...." she starts to walk away, Dean smirks.

"Is that a yes?" he asks her, she shoots him a look over her shoulder.

"If I can find cover" she tells him disappearing through the door to the bar.


Sam stares at his brother who shifts his feet.

"You invited her?" Sam asks.

"Look, what ever she is....Demons are afraid of" Dean points out. "If this is a trap, I want the biggest scariest monster on our side"

"And that you're sleeping with her has nothing to do with it?" Sam asks. Dean shoots him a look and then walks away.


Dean is driving and Sam is speaking on the phone. Erika sits in the back with her journal open in her lap.

"Can I get a copy of the missing persons report? Great. Okay. Thanks" Sam hangs up. "Well, Anna Milton's definitely real"

"Don't mean the case is real. And this hospital's a three-day drive" Dean points out.

"We've driven further for less, Dean" Sam points out, Dean shakes his head. "You got something to say, say it"

"Oh, I'm saying it -- this sucks" Dean points out.

"You're not pissed we're going after the girl. You're pissed Ruby threw us the tip"

"Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family. Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I downstairs, 'cause I come back, and -- and you're BFF with a demon?"

"And you're sleeping with Erika" Sam points out back. "We have no idea what she is....anyway I told you, Dean, she helped me go after Lilith"

"Well, thanks for the thumbnail -- real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail?"

"Sure, Dean, let's trade stories. You first. How was Hell? Don't spare the details" Sam tells Dean who shoots him a look.

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