Chapter Eleven

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Samhain is walking down the street, covered in blood, but not being noticed because it is Halloween, and everyone is in costume.


Erika, Dean and Sam walk across the street toward the Impala, wiping the blood off their faces.

"Where the hell are we gonna find this mook?" Dean asks, Erika snorts.

"Where the bloody hell would you go to raise other dark forces of the night?" she asks. Sam and Dean share a look before looking to Erika.

"The cemetery" Dean answers.

"Yeah" They get in the Impala and drive off.


Dean is driving while Sam sits in the passenger seat and Erika in the back.

"So, this demon's pretty powerful" Sam starts.

"Yeah" Dean agrees.

"Might take more than the usual weapons" Sam glances at Dean out of the corner of his eye, and Dean gets what he is suggesting.

"Sam, no, you're not using your psychic whatever. Don't even think about it. Ruby's knife is enough"


"Well because the angels said so for one...."

"I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics"

"Well they happen to be right about this one"

"I don't know, Dean, it doesn't seem like they're right about much"

"Well then forget the angels, okay? You said yourself, these powers, it's like playing with fire" Dean tells Sam. Dean picks up the knife and holds out the handle to Sam. "Please" Sam takes the knife from Dean but doesn't say anything, Erika looks between them, raising an eyebrow.


There is rap music coming from a room in the mausoleum, and teenagers are walking around in costume. Justin is standing there looking around.

"Dude, I'm tripping balls!" Someone starts to walk down the stairs and Justin notices. "Yo, shh, be quiet, it's the cops" Samhain walks down the stairs and toward the room they are partying in. Justin sees him. "Mr. Harding? I mean, Don?" Samhain closes the gate to the room, and locks it. As he walks away he runs his hand across the gate. Justin tries the gate, but it doesn't budge. "Don, you, uh, you locked us in" Justin tries the door again, and it stays locked, but the doors to the crypts in the room start to shake. The teenagers back away into corners, but Justin looks to one side, and begins to back to the other side. A door comes open, and hands reach out and grab his ankles. Justin screams as a zombie drags him off his feet and into the crypt, a second later blood splatters out of the crypt, squirting out and covering the ground in front of the crypt. The teens start to freak out and try to get the gate open. Sam, Erika and Dean come down the stairs. Sam looks at Dean and the people locked in the room.

"Help them"

"Dude, you're not going off alone"

"I'll take Erika" Sam tells him. "Do it!" Sam runs after Samhain and Dean looks after him for a second then looks to Erika, she nods and vamp-speeds after Sam, Dean looks back at the teens motioning for them to move.

"Stand back! Stand back!" The teens move away from the gate and Dean shots the lock, and kicks the door open to let them all out. "Go on, come on, get out, move!" After the teens all rush past him, Dean watches as a door of a grave in the mausoleum room crashes to the ground and breaks. A zombie crawls out of it, and stands up as another grave door crashes to the ground and the zombie in the next grave over starts to crawl out as well. Dean pulls out a weapon as the second zombie gets up and holds up what looks like a silver stake. "Bring it on, stinky"


Sam is walking through the mausoleum looking for Samhain. He turns a corner and sees Samhain in a room facing the far wall. Sam tries to walk up to him silently, narrowing his eyes at the demon. Samhain turns around suddenly and throws up his arm, and a bright white light comes out of it. It dims, however, and Sam keeps walking toward Samhain.

"Yeah, that demon ray gun stuff? It doesn't work on me" Samhain runs at Sam, but is tackled from the side at speed, Samhain and Erika hit the floor. Erika is on her feet again in a flash, pushing her hair out of her face. Samhain gets to his feet as Erika places herself between him and Sam.

"I thought it was you" Samhain tells her. "An Original" she smirks and shrugs holding out her hands in the Mikaelson come at me bro stance. "And one of the twins, I'm honoured"

"Charmed, I'm sure" she teases, Samhain throws the first punch and they fight. Erika always keeping herself between Sam and Samhain. Samhain finally pushes Erika against a wall by her neck, getting the upper hand, she snarls as her vampire face emerges, the veins creeping up her face and her fangs descend. Sam stares at her.


There is a zombie with a silver stake coming out of its chest lying on the floor and Dean stabs another zombie to the ground with another silver stake right next to the first one. A pair of shoes walks up behind Dean with a pair of women's frail feet in them. Dean hears it and grabs a stake before he turns around to stab her, but she flickers and disappears, and is behind him as he stands up fully. He turns around and she motions both her hands at him and he flies across the room, sliding down the wall.

"Zombie ghost orgy huh? Well, that's it, I'm torching everybody"


Sam gets the knife out, and tries to stab Samhain from behind, and when it starts to cut into his skin, it sizzles and Samhain pushes it out of Sam's hand, he squeezes Erika's neck and then snaps it, drops her unceremoniously to the ground, Sam stares at her. Samhain whips Sam around and throws him into the wall across the room. Sam gets up and Samhain looks at him, ready to attack, goes to run at Sam, but Sam puts up his hand, and uses his psychic power to stop him. Samhain struggles against Sam, but Sam manages to keep him from advancing too much. Dean comes running around the corner and sees Sam using his powers. Dean's face falls. Sam sees Dean over the shoulder of Samhain, but continues. Sam has to use a lot more concentration than he's ever used before, and his nose starts to bleed as blood pounds in his head and he grabs his head with the hand not holding Samhain at bay. Finally, Sam exorcizes Samhain as his nose continues to bleed and the blood pounding in his head starts to slow down. Once Samhain is out of the body, Don's eyes turn back to color and Sam can barely raise his eyes to meet Dean's stare. This is the first time that Sam was aware of Dean being there to see him use his powers. Last time, Dean was watching, but Sam didn't know he was there until after. Dean looks at him sadly, and with a little bit of fear in his eyes. Sam then turns and hurries to Erika, kneeling at her side he checks for a pulse and then looks to Dean who steps closer. Sam shakes his head and slumps a little, she'd tried to protect him from Samhain. Erika sits up with a gasp and reaches for her neck, she looks around alarmed, both brothers staring at her.

"What the bloody hell?!" she asks.

"That's our question" Dean points out.

"You remember Bobby telling you no one has found a way to kill me?" she teases standing. "Did you really think a broken neck would do it?" she rolls her shoulder and her neck before smiling at them, Dean breath a sigh of relief and shakes his head, Sam stands and looks to her neck. "I'm fine, love" she tells him lifting her hair. " broken bones, all healed"

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