Chapter Seventy-Six

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Erika drops heavily into Bobby's armchair as said man pours her a drink.

"Luck?" he asks. "Luck is how you escaped the devil?"

"Yes, love" she answers. "He turned his back to pick something up and I...bloody ran" she smiles a little. "Like a coward"

"At least you're alive," Bobby tells her handing her the drink, Erika takes it and downs the entire thing.

"I figured coming here was the best thing...." she tells him, Bobby pats her knee and smiles. "I...I'm surprised I beat them here actually" she admits.

"They're on their way," Bobby tells her rolling away into the next room, he glances to Erika who puts on slight fear, she would be scared if her story was real. She looks to her empty glass and then stands to pour herself another one then gives up the glass and takes the bottle instead, Bobby grabs his cell phone and dials.


Dean hurries into Bobby's, said man in the kitchen points to where Erika is sleeping in his armchair, Dean moves straight to her as Sam follows him into the house.

"Eri" Dean whispers touching her face, she's still covered in blood. "Is this her blood?" Dean asks looking to Bobby.

"She didn't say" Bobby answers, Erika groans and wakes, almost bolting a little.

"Hey, it's me," Dean tells her clutching her face, she stares at him before relaxing.

"Dean" she whispers, he nods.

"Hey" he greets, she smiles.

"Hey yourself, love"

"You okay?" he asks her, she nods.

"Yes, I think so...." he looks to the blood on her. "It's not's theirs...I kind of rolled in it when fighting with Lucifer" she looks to her arms and pulls a face.


Erika smiles and pulls on Dean's shirt, she's showered all the blood off of her, she does up the buttons up and sniffing it, it still smells like him, she closes her eyes and slides to her knees. She's a terrible person. She claims to love Dean but how easy she falls into Lucifer's arms. She hangs her head.

"Eri" Dean knocks on the bathroom door. "You okay?"

"I'll be out in a minute, love" she answers before standing and grabbing a pair of jeans from the side and pulling them on.


"Suits you," Dean tells her touching her shirt, she smiles at him and touches his face. "Eri?" he asks. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asks her.

"Of course, love, just.....rattled I guess"

"Yeah, a fight with the devil will do that" he pulls her closer and kisses her, Erika closes her eyes and places her hands on his face as she kisses him back.


Erika sits back in Bobby's armchair listening to them talk about the Horseman and their rings. She's drinking, again and not really paying attention.

"So we just need to find two more Horseman rings?" Bobby asks, Erika looks up now, Dean touching her knee gently.

"And then Lucifer's" Dean adds and looks to Sam. "Did you see a ring?" Sam shakes his head. Erika looks to the ring on her finger and pulls her hand into her lap to hide it. Dean looks to her. "You see anything?" he asks her.

"I don't think so...." she answers, Dean kisses her head and takes her hand in his.


(1) The Devil's Hybrid (D. Winchester)Where stories live. Discover now