Chapter Seven

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Erika opens the bar doors and sets a weight against the door before grabbing the crate of decorations inside, she carries them outside and sets them on the picnic bench.

"Hey" Dean greets walking towards her, she sighs and looks to him and Sam.

"What are you two doing here?" she asks grabbing a lantern from the box.

"Halloween, really?" Sam asks amused.

"Hey, monsters like to dress up and play pretend, most of us do it everyday" she stands on the table to hang the lantern. "So...what are you doing here?" she asks.

"We were passing" Dean answers, she shoots him a look as she climbs down. "Got any food going?" she sighs and walks into the bar, the two brother's follow her.

"You can work for it" Erika tells him waving to the tables and chairs. "I'll see what I can find for humans in the kitchen" she disappears through the back, Sam turns to Dean.

"What are we doing here?" he asks.

"I was hungry" Dean answers pulling a chair from a table. "And we were passing"

"No, we weren't" Sam corrects, Dean shrugs.

"Okay, we weren't whatever" Dean mumbles. "Does it matter?"

"Something is going on here" Sam tells him. "With the two of you, she's a monster"

"You're one to talk" Dean argues. "Or should we revisit the Ruby issue?" Sam shoots him a look.

"Fine" Sam states and sits at the table. "Just tell me when you're ready to leave"


Erika sets two plates down on the table in front of the two brothers.

"This is the best I could do" she tells them. "I'll get you both some drinks just in case you need to wash it down with something" she turns and walks to the bar, Dean looks down at the plate, burger and fries, he smiles and looks to Sam who lifts his burger bun to see what's inside, Dean rolls his eyes and lifts up the burger before biting into it, then moans, it's the best damn burger he's ever eaten. Sam watches him before biting into his, okay, he has to admit that she can cook, for a monster.

"This is amazing" Dean mumbles around his food, Erika approaches with two colas and sets them down. Dean looks to her. "This is amazing" he repeats, she smiles a little.

"Thanks" she mumbles. "Are you two going to be okay on your own whilst I finish setting up?" she asks, they both nod, engrossed in their food, Erika watches them amused for a moment before walking away. Sam glances to her and then back to Dean who shoves a handful of fries into his mouth, his eyes on Erika's retreating form. Dean sighs a little and looks to his food.


A kid is putting a skull in front of a headstone on the lawn in the front yard, decorating for Halloween. A woman walks up with a big candy bucket in her left hand, and a pumpkin and grocery bag in the other. The woman walks up the stairs, onto the porch and into the house.


A baby is being fed some orange baby food by a man, Luke. The woman walks in and sets the pumpkin on the counter along with the grocery bag.


"How was the store?"

"Oh, madness. Everyone in town was stocking up" She reaches over to the baby in the chair. "Hi, sweetie" She walks over to a cupboard above the counter and opens it to put the pail of candy away.

"Did, uh, you get enough?"

"Oh, hey, I had to arm wrestle Norma Bleaker for these"

"Honey, she's 74"

"And a lot stronger than she looks. Luke reaches for the candy to take a piece, she swats his hand away. "Ah-ah-ah, remember last year? We ran out at 6:30."

"It's just one piece" He goes to reach for a piece again, and she swats his hand away again.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah, you can have as much as you want after Halloween. Who needs a bath? Huh? Huh?" She lifts the baby out of the high chair. "Oh, there we go!" She looks at Luke. "You coming?"

"I'll uh, I'll be up in a minute"

"Okay" After she leaves Luke turns and opens the cupboard and gets a piece of candy.

"Oh..." He pulls out his fingers and there is blood on them. He reaches back in, moaning in pain as he pulls a double sided razor free and takes it out of his mouth, blood coming out of the cut as he does. When he looks at it, he starts to gag, and grabs the countertop as he leans over and starts spitting blood. He spits out another razor blade and continues to spit blood and kneel over. Luke spits another razor blade and falls down onto the floor.

"Luke, what's taking you so long?" She walks back in holding the baby and sees him on the floor, blood starting to pool around his open mouth, and his eyes staring blankly. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God!" She screams.


Sam turns his laptop to Dean who pulls it closer, a newspaper report on the above accident. Sam finishes his cola and looks to Erika who stands on a table hanging up halloween glow in the dark skeletons. He turns back to Dean.

"What do you think?"

"Might be our thing, what are you thinking? Witches?"

"Possibly" Sam stands grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair. Dean looks to Erika who adjust the skeleton slightly. Sam smirks. "You want to go say goodbye?" he teases, Dean shoots him a look as he stands.

"Dude, shut up, why do you keep pushing that?"

"This vision of yours, you keep saying that it's not about us killing her, what other reason is there?"

"Just wish I could remember all of it, I get flashes and they're all of her" he looks to Erika. "It's not a sex thing" he argues looking back to Sam.

"All right, whatever you say, didn't answer the original question"

"Be rude not to say goodbye" Dean mumbles and turns to face Erika as she climbs off the table. "Erika" he states, she turns to them and walks towards them.

"Everything okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, we're just taking off, wanted to say...thanks for the food"

"Oh, yeah, no worries, love" Dean rubs the back of his neck, Sam smirks amused at how flustered his brother gets around this woman. "I suppose if you ever get stuck" Erika offers. "You know where to find me" she teases backing away.

"Yeah, thanks" Dean offers her before leaving, Sam smirks and follows his brother. "Not a word" Dean warns as they head towards the impala. 

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