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Oh wow JeSs HaS fInAllY gOt HeR lAzY aSs To WrItE a bOoK?  

W e l l u h y e e I g u e s s

But Oof in like almost 2 months I've managed to write 16 chapters sjxhxhnsuzgxusjxuxux




He gasped, clutching his chest tightly with a gloved hand, blood seeping out from his wound and staining his clothes. "B-Brother stop this! You d-don't have to do this!"

Chuckling lowly, a dark figure emerged from the darkness, black tendrils of death curling behind him. "Oh brother. Dear, dear brother. You just don't understand, do you?"

The smaller choked, one of the black tentacles lashing out and coiling round his neck. It squeezed tightly, sending stars spiralling across his vision. "U-Unders-stand what?!"

The creature of darkness stepped forwards slowly, their footsteps echoing on the cold marble floor of the black palace. A sickening grin split their face, it's shape uneven and dripping. "Why I need you dead, Brother~"

The monster's twin froze, shaking his head rapidly. "W-We're attached by the soul! If I die, y-you die!"

"That's the problem." He hissed, the tentacles grip suddenly tightening harshly, earning a strangled whimper from the other. He looked his twin up and down with disgust, shuddering. "There's no light without dark, no love without hate, no happiness without pain."

The other flinched, knowing he was reciting exactly what their mother would say to them every night when they were young.

"If one dies so will the other. That's my problem here, brother." The dark one spat, their one blue eye burning into the smaller's soul. "So I've come up with a solution. I don't need you dead, just your powers."

The twin froze, his eyes widening in fear as his brother loomed over him, the same sickening smirk spread widely across his face. "B-Brother wait d-don't do this! Y-You don't know what you're doing!"

He blinked, going silent for a moment before slamming him into the floor, earning an anguished cry and a few snaps in response. "Silence, pest. I know exactly what I'm doing."

The smaller was helpless, limp as he was dragged across the floor by his brother, any whimpered protests being ignored.

The dark creature dragged the other along behind him, chuckling softly. "You know, I've heard the mortal realm is a really nice place. And I know just how hard you've been working yourself recently."

He yelped, being yanked up by his neck suddenly, his feet barely brushing against the ground.

"I think you deserve a vacation, don't you?"

The smaller shook his head desperately, ignored pleas escaping his 'lips' as his brother opened a portal beneath him, holding him over it.

"Now then~" He purred, looking down at his twin's chest. "To deal with my main problem."

The other let out an agonised scream of pain as the taller stabbed him in the chest, the tentacle forcefully cracking his ribs and fracturing his sternum as it harshly grabbed onto his apple-shaped soul.

No emotion escaped the brother's face as he ripped the soul out, the wails of pain from the smaller not phasing him the slightest. "There we go~"

The other was limp, breathing harsh and ragged. His golden eyes glistened with tears, the small balls of water dripping down his cheeks and down onto his feet.

The dark one laughed manically, clutching the other's soul tightly in his hands. He looked down at the portal to the mortal realm, his grin only widening. "No more sunshine." He hissed, releasing him.

The skeleton fell through, limp, his body disappearing through the portal before plummeting towards the earth below.

The monster watched in fascination before stepping away, the portal disappearing. He looked down at the duly glowing soul in his hands, still keeping that same grin. "Send me a postcard, brother~"

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