The Summoning

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"Again? Why isn't it working?"

"I dunno man, I'm not Ink."

Dream sighed, watching as Lewis and Killer glared down at the book accusingly. "You mortals don't know how to correctly summon us because you've never met us and asked. These are assumptions on how you do it, and as you see, it's not working."

Lewis threw his hands in the air, and exasperated cry escaping him. "Well then let's try another of your friends!"

Dream sighed and gave a small nod, feeling like there was really no point. "Blue, god of protecting youth."

"Oh that one, sure." The redhead flicked through the pages once more before stopping on Blue's one. The illustration showed a bright figure watching over little kids with a soft smile, it's magic keeping back any darkness. And that was pretty accurate to be fair.

"Okay for this summoning the writer has assumed that you have to have more than one person present in the room. We've got that. All of you must be innocent and pure. Eh maybe Dream is pure I know Killer isn't."

"Shut up Lewis."

"Sorry. Uh and we need to do this fricking heckness." He pointed at the page, and both Dream and Killer leaned in curiously to look.

"What even is that...?" Killer asked softly, raising an eyebrow.

"Heck, I don't know man. Let's just try."


"This one didn't work either? Why the frick not?" Lewis yelled, slamming his head down into his hands. "Is everything in this gosh darn book wrong?"

Killer shrugged, flicking through the pages of the book with a mildly bored expression on his face. "It does say that the ritual only works if someone in the group of summoners has a physical bond or attachment to another God in some way shape or form."

"None of us are physically attached to any Gods." Lewis groaned, shaking his head and falling back. "This is all pointless..."

Killer blinked, slowly looking over at Dream, at which the smaller shook his head quickly. "Hey Dream..."


"...You're physically attached to your brother...right?"

The God flinched, looking down at his feet quickly and refusing to say a word. There was no way he was going to try summon the very person that tried to kill him.

But Lewis already seemed completely on board with the idea, springing up in a flash and grabbing the book out of Killer's hands. His fingers flicked through the pages rapidly, his dark eyes darting across the pages.

"That's not a good idea..." Dream said meekly, nervously fiddling with the cuff of his hoodie sleeve.

"Well you want to get back up to your world and get your powers back, don't you?" Lewis asked, glancing up from the book to lock eyes with Dream.

"Yeah but summoning my brother would be the worst idea...! He tried to kill me! What makes you think he'd take me back with him? He'd probably just kill us!" He protested, shaking his head as he saw Lewis place the book down on the floor, a depiction of Nightmare visible.

"Just grab him or something." Lewis shrugged, looking down at the pages with great excitement. He looked like a kid that had just opened the worlds best Christmas present.

The page was mostly covered by illustrations of dark black smoke, the twisting fumes covering the whole two pages, including under the writing. There was a dark figure stood in the middle, many thick appendages reaching out from its back and curling around the page. The figure had two glowing blue eyes clearly full of malicious intent.

Dream blinked, reaching out to grab the random pen by Killer's side before reaching over and drawing over one of the blue eyes, ignoring Lewis' panicked protests. "There you go."

The drawing only now showed one glowing blue eye. Exactly how Nightmare's really was.

"Now he looks more like the God of Negativity. Though he has less tentacles in real life."

"Holy heck that's awesome!" Lewis cried, forgetting his panicked mood from a few seconds ago. "So he really only has one eye? What happened there?"

"Things happened...That's all you need to know..." Dream muttered, dropping the pen by his side.

The two mortals looked at him with a disappointed expression, whining. "But we want to know morrreee!"

"Tough." He closed his eyes, feeling the sting of his cracked skull through the dull aching pain he was permanently feeling.

Killer and Lewis looked at each other before leaning over, lowering their voices to hushed whispers. "Should we do it...?"

"I dunno man, it's your friend's choice really. But it's the only way I can think of to get him back home... Plus I kinda really want to see what this God of Negativity looks like. Besides, how bad can he really be...?"

"Very bad." Dream said, opening his eyes and glaring at them. "And just because you whisper, doesn't mean I can't hear you."

Lewis sighed, crossing his arms behind the back of his head. "Right then, let's be honest Dream. Do you have any better ideas?"


"Exactly. And who knows what will happen to us if we don't get you back up there. I mean, the sun has literally disappeared and no one can do anything about it. No one except you."

"This sounds like an anime plot..." Killer muttered.

"It does Killer, but shut the hell up. Now c'mon Dream. You know it's the only way and our only shot. Heck, it might not even work. Just give it a try with us, please?"

Dream bit his bottom 'lip' his mind screaming at him to say no, to look for another way, to ignore them. Anything but give in. He gulped, inhaling shakily as he looked at both of them. "...Okay...we'll try..."


The tall figure smirked, looking down at the figure below him in amusement as they looked up at him fearfully, eyes shiny with tears.

"Now now, why are you crying?" He asked, a mocking laugh escaping him. "Are you scared little one?"

They whimpered, tugging weakly at the chains around their neck and wrists that held them to the floor. They were clearly terrified, shaking as they looked into his cyan eye.

He hummed, reaching down to cup their cheek gently, relishing the spike of fear that came as a response. "You mortals are always so scared, I don't understand it. Are we really so scary to you?"

They nodded, squeezing their eyes shut tightly and trying to hide themselves more.

"That's cute. But times up and I'm bored of you." The figure hissed, the tentacles on his back sharpening and pointing down at the figure.

"W-Wait no please! D-Don't kill me I-I can be useful!" They cried, panicking and thrashing in the chains.

"You useful? You're a mortal, they're nothing but a waste of my time." He growled, one of the sharpened tips pressing against their neck.

The prisoner let out a choked whimper, tears streaming down their cheeks as they braced themselves to feel the tentacle shatter their neck.

But that impact never came.

They slowly opened their eyes, looking nervously up at the figure to see him stood still, his tentacles having fell back down by his sides, twitching.

"I'll have to finish you off later..." He glanced down at them, his blue eye showing hints of confusion for a moment before he grinned widely. "Someone's trying to summon me."


It's ya boy, Noightmare


Idhxgzjsjxjjsjsd this chapter wasn't as short as I thought it would be so yayayayayayayay

I'm finally getting into the routine of writing again so yay me I guess


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