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❤️💜8K YAYAYAYAYAYYA Maybe we will reach my goal of 10k👌💜❤️

And s e r v i c e

"You do realise how mad I am at you, don't you?"

The small monochromatic skeleton flinched, looking meekly up at the God and nodding. "Yes..."

Nightmare stared down at him, a scowl on his face. "You could have just told me what was happening. That would have gone a lot smoother."

"I-I know...but I just felt like you'd try stop me or something..." He mumbled, pressing his face into his side. "Sorry..."

He sighed loudly, rolling his eye. "It's fine, don't worry about it." He pulled a hand up, resting it on top of the smaller's skull and rubbing it softly. "All we can do now is see what Dream will do."

Cross hummed softly, digging his face further into his chest. "What do you think your brother will do...?"

"Cave in and fling himself into the mortal's arms like a rag doll." He snorted, looking to the side of the large room they were currently sat in.

It was a dark dungeon chamber, the walls carved from the granite-like rocks deep under the castles twisting corridors. It was cold and dark, only two flaming torches lighting up the room. They cast a ghostly glow, the flickering flames constantly shifting all the shadows around them. In the middle of the room, a large pedestal stood, constructed from quartz and marble. Floating on top, choked by thick and heavy chains, was Dream's soul. It was slightly cracked and dull, no longer shining a brilliant golden.

The two were sat in a corner, silent and waiting for either one or both of the two lovebirds in denial to stumble in.

In the far corner of the room, the Alpha was curled up, his blue eyes narrowed into slits as he started at the door, on guard.

"What are we going to do when they actually get here?" Cross asked softly, shifting closer to Nightmare on the cold stone floor.

"If they've accepted their love for each other, we'll make a deal. If not...I guess we'll just have to compromise."


"Dream?" Killer called, his voice anxious and cracking as he hurried down yet another corridor. "Dream please come out, we can talk about this!"

No answer came from the dark corridors, only the echo of his own voice. It sounded weak, rather pathetic compared to how it usually sounded.

"Dream please don't do this!" He looked around helplessly, desperately listening out for the sound of footsteps or crying.

Still, no response.

The mortal continued onwards, his hands slipping into his hoodie pockets and clenching into nervous fists. "What was that reaction for...?" He muttered to himself. "Am I really that horrible to fall in love with?"

Of course he knew that wasn't really the case. Dream was only acting this way because falling in love with Killer would mean breaking his realms number one rule. And he'd be a massive hypocrite to his brother. He was just confused and conflicted over his own feelings.

Honestly, Killer was feeling the same. He didn't know what to think of the burning sensation in his soul as he continued his trek through the hallways. He didn't know what he was going to do when he found Dream -if he found Dream- and he certainly didn't know how he was going to relax the small traumatised bean in any way.

He'd probably blurt out the first shit that comes into his head. "I love you" would be the most obvious and stupid option for him.

That would probably result in Dream becoming even more traumatised and Killer breaking down as well.

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now