The End

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❤️💜11k YAYAYAYAYYA Past my goal :3💜❤️

Yes, that ending does mean there will possibly be a sequel >:3

If I can be asked, I'll write the sequel for this as my 2nd Crossmare anniversary book (which is in just under 2 months)

Depends if I can write fast enough :P

But the book would follow the same characters, but more Crossmare, and side ships like Errink (Maybe) horrorlust (Maybe) afterdeath (if you're lucky)

Yee, we'll have to see

Do you want that? Say here pls :3


Sorry for how much Crossmare there was. I mean, I don't think anyone ready minded but like still, it was a Kréme book and I'll admit, I gave that ship quite a bit of attention. But this book was hard to write tbh and without the Crossmare I don't think I would have finished this.

S O S O M E T A G S ?

S O S O M E T A G S ?

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By my luv Kohai_Karma such an amazing Tangerine

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By my luv Kohai_Karma such an amazing Tangerine


By me uwu

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By me uwu

3). Default

4). 84%

5). Last one I watched was Ancieny Magus Bride, not watching anything currently tho

6). Phone

7). Choosing French for my GCSE's

8). Sagittarius

9). Crossmare?

10). "That's what people do when they love you, they wrap their arms around you and love you when no one else will."


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1). Elephant

2). Blue

3). Mortal Engines (would suggest👌)

4). Netflix

5). Eph

6). Green

7). Italy, Lake Garda

8). Instagram (don't have snapchat lmao)

9). Frozen Fire is my fave book. But otherwise anything Crossmare

10). The Durrels

11). Sleep

12). Disney

13). Chicken Burger

14). Jess?

15). Nu not yet, but I'm concidering it

Okieeee that's it I gueesssssss

Cya next time I write a book, which should be in about two months!

Love you alllll



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