'Comfy' Cells

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"Enjoy your stay!" Horror called cheerily, slamming his axe down against the floor as he flung the two smaller's into the old cell he'd chosen for them.

Dream collided with the rough brick wall with a grunt, hissing weakly in pain. He pressed a hand against the floor, pushing himself up just in time to have Killer's limp body flung on top of him. The smaller collapsed again, groaning.

Horror laughed loudly, slamming the cell door shut loudly and locking it with one of the many keys attached to the chain on his belt. "Try not to die, you've got a week till the tournament starts after all~"

Dream growled, glaring after him as he walked off, his axe dragging along the ground behind him. "Psycho."

By his side, Killer groaned lowly, his face contorting in pain as his eyes fluttered open. "Wh-Wha...?"

"Shh." Dream immediately quietened him, gently pressing a hand over his mouth. "Don't talk..."

Killer, being Killer, managed to ignore that completely, reaching a hand up to weakly push Dream's hand away. "A-Are you okay...?"

"Me? I'm fine, it's you that's hurt!" Dream shook his head, looking down at the knife that was still dug right into Killer's side.

"Mm...it's just a knife wound..." He mumbled softly.

"Oh Shut up and stop trying to act so tough." Dream said, poking his cheek before leaning down and ripping a strip off of the bottom of his shorts. "Okay, so I'm going to have to pull it out, okay?"

"...Not really. A-And I thought the rule is that you don't p-pull it out!"

"Maybe in your world, but not in the upper realm. I know my powers have been taken from me, but I'm pretty sure that I'll still be able to use some types of magic like healing. I can sense my soul around somewhere, yes it's far, but it might allow me to heal you."

"You're basing this on an assumption?!" Killer shook his head, weakly trying to shuffle away from the smaller. "Just leave it there, it can just be a part of my hip!"

Dream raised an 'eyebrow', his expression emotionless as he reached out and grabbed onto the hilt of the knife unexpectedly. "On three."

"W-Wait no!"


"Dream wait I'm serious!"


"Dixhusjsjdjx nonononono STOP!" He tried to escape, panicking.


Killer let out a shriek as Dream suddenly ripped the knife out, his body twisting and contorting in pain. "OW FUCKING HELL!"

"Okay, Okay, Sorry!" Dream called, quickly pushing Killer down and pressing his hands against the rapidly bleeding wound. "J-Just stop struggling and relax."

"Relax? RELAX?! IM BLEEDING OUT!" He screeched.

Dream winced focusing all the energy he had to try heal the wound. "Shut up or it won't work."

Killer surprisingly obeyed, going limp on the floor and biting his hand tightly, eyes squeezed shut.

The smaller hummed softly, feeling his hands start to glow a little and become warm, whatever little energy he could harness to heal the wounded mortal. "I promise you won't die..."

"I better not..." He whispered, a dry laugh escaping him. "Missy will need me...she'll get lonely if I don't come back...and hungry..."

"Oh, I forgot about you cat. Will she be okay...?"

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now