20 Years Later

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"Hazel slow down!"

"Catch me if you can!" The eight year old skeleton girl giggled, spinning around to look back at her parents with a little wave before continuing to skip down the pathed path through the local park.

Killer groaned loudly, watching with an anxious expression as his kid hopped over all the gnarled tree roots that had broke through the path.

"Killer relax. She's a Demi-God, not your average kid."

The taller glanced to the side, looking down at his small golden lover. "Yeah I know Dream, but she'll still break down into tears when she trips over. It's in every child's nature, programmed into them."

Dream snorted, looking up at him in amusement. "Sure."

"I'm telling you, you just wait till she trips and falls."

"She won't."

"She might."

"But she won't."

"But she might."


"Yes love?" He flashed him a grin, sliding next to him and wrapping an arm around his waist.

He huffed, looking away quickly and blushing softly. "Never mind."

"Okay." He smirked, rubbing his side softly. "Whatever you say babe."

"What did I tell you about nicknames?" He muttered, pulling his jacket further over his shoulders in embarrassment.

"You wanted me to shower you in them through every second of our living lives?"

"What? N-No! I said no nicknames!" He squeaked, shoving his weakly to the side so that the mortal stumbled, nearly falling side on onto a bush.

"You nearly killed me!"

"But I didn't!" He stuck his tongue out cheekily and winked at him before dashing off after Dream, leaving his fiancé yelling out in fake anger behind him.

Hazel laughed in delight as Dream grabbed her hand and pulled her along, trying to keep up with her dad's longer strides. "Catch us if you can silly!"

Killer let out a cry from behind, groaning to himself as he jumped up to his feet and scrambled after the two. "I'm gonna get you!"

Dream glanced briefly back over his shoulder, panting softly as he saw that Killer was gaining on them rapidly. As he'd said many times before, he was a man of short distance sprints.

Within ten seconds he was right behind them. He let out a yell of triumph as he lunged forwards and slammed his body into Dream's, wrapping his arms around his waist.

The God let out a shriek, instinctively dragging Hazel to his chest as he tumbled down to the grassy floor.

The three collided with the ground in a tangle of limbs, Hazel shrieking with laughter, Dream with terror, and Killer with surprise.

They fell to the ground with an oof, all groaning and shifting a bit before bursting into hysteric laughter.

Killer reached round, tickling the sides of Hazel's waist and sending her squealing with laughter. "I caught you!"

"Nooooo!" She squirmed laughing until she was out of breath and too tired to continue trying to escape. She lay limply in between the two, a few stray giggles occasionally escaping her.

Dream sighed loudly, looking up through the green leaves of the trees around them and up to where a few small patches of blue could be seen. "What are you going to do now that you've caught us, oh great demon?"

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now