What are you doing in my back Garden?

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It had been a completely ordinary day for Killer. He'd woken up after a lie in, ate breakfast while watching the news, got changed out of his old and worn pyjamas and finally, he flopped back down onto his sofa.

Groaning softly in boredom, he flicked the news back on again, raising an eyebrow as a news case of a missing person came up. Apparently they'd last been seen in the city's Central Park area before they disappeared, not coming back home. The police had been alerted by their frantic brother, who told them that their sibling had never returned home that night.

Killer blinked, his dull silver pupils wandering over to the window, where his dark curtains were still half closed. "Poor thing was probably captured by some creep..."

Something soft and bright jumped up onto his chest and he jolted, looking down at his chest to see his slightly overfed cat Missy. She was mainly ginger in style, but had additional streaks of brown and blond fur blended into it. She looked up at him, a rumbling purr escaping through her throat as she flopped down not-so-elegantly onto his lap. The loud purrs went soft vibrations through both of them, feeling surprisingly relaxing.

Killer hummed, digging his fingers into her plush fur and running them through. He smirked softly, watching as Missy rubbed her head on his knee and pawed lazily at his foot, watching as he shifted it from side to side.

"Who's a pretty kitty?" He whispered, letting his index finger rub under her jaw softly.

A loud purr was his response, Missy's eyes closing as she pressed her chin into his hand. She seemed pretty content, flopping over onto her back so that he could tickle her tummy. Unlike most cats Killer knew, Missy actually really liked receiving tummy rubs. All the other cats would just hiss and scratch him if he tried.

Everything seemed fine. All good, and all calm.

That's when the screaming from outside rang out.

Killer jumped to his feet, accidentally shoving Missy off of his chest and onto the floor. He scrambled over to the curtains, his mind spinning in confusion. What the hell was happening?!

He tore back the curtains, only to freeze and gasp right after in shock. People outside were panicking, running or curling up on the floor. The majority of them however, were fixated up at the sky, their eyes wide with fear.

Killer craned his neck back, pressing himself against the cool glass of the window and looking up to the sky. He almost choked at the sight, his eyes wide.

The sun was gone.

Not fully gone of course. The once fiercely glowing ball of flaming fire they all knew and grew so accustomed to was gone, replaced by a duly glowing grey orb of depression.

"What the hell?! How is that even possible?" He hissed, looking up at the dark rolling clouds in a panic. "How can the sun just mess up like that?"

And just when he thought things couldn't get any weirder, an almighty crash rang out from his back garden. Then complete silence.

Killer was stiff, slowly turning around and looking towards the large glass double doors he had leading out of the living room to the back garden. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own, suddenly forcing him to step towards those doors, his bony fingers curling around the metal handles.

Feeling for the sheathed knife he always kept in his pocket, he slowly pushed the door open, narrowing his eyes at the sight in front of him.

His grass seemed to be scorched, the once vibrant green stalks having turned black and crisp. The whole garden had been indented, literally caving under the force of whatever had rammed into it.

What was that you might ask? Well, it was a person.

They were splayed out on the blackened grass, limp and seemingly dead. Their arms were twisted out of shape, shattered and fractured. Their legs were twisted in the complete wrong direction, bone sticking up everywhere.

Killer gulped harshly, stepping towards them. Upon closer inspection, he realised that it was a skeleton, just like him.

They wore a long ripped cloak that assumedly used to be yellow. Now, it was caked in blood and dirt, having turned an ugly brown. They wore equally messed up boots, dark ripped shorts, and a blood soaked top. Giant rips were torn though the fabric of all their clothes, showing their scratched and broken ribs. On one side of their chest, their ribs looked as if they'd been completely ripped out, a gaping hole being left where the sternum and a few ribs should have been.

Killer covered his mouth with a hand, looking at the scene before in horror. What the hell had happened to this guy? Dropping his knife to the floor, he rushed over to their side, falling to his knees. "Holy shit, are you okay?!"

Obviously, he got no response. The skeleton was completely limp.

Killer cursed under his breath, shifting closer and gently scooping the frail skeleton into his arms. "What God punished you?" He joked halfheartedly, standing up. He'd never believed in any of the mythical legends of Gods and beings of ultimate power living up in the clouds in some other realm. It was just a load of bullshit that parents would tell their kids if they wanted some weird bedtime story.

Slowly turning on his heels, he turned back round, stepping through the scorched grass and back to his house.

Behind him, Missy let out a soft meow, glaring down at something in the mess of what used to be his garden. She pawed at it before looking back at Killer, her tail swaying in annoyance.

"Leave it Missy." Killer called, stepping through the glass double doors. "It's probably nothing."

The cat pawed at whatever she'd found on the floor before leaning down and delicately picking it up in her mouth. She then turned back to Killer, and trotted over to his side, her tail swaying.

In her mouth, a golden circlet was held. It looked like it was made of gold, the twisted ore covered in small clumps of mud and dirt.

"Huh? What's that?" Killer asked softly, looking down at the circlet in her mouth. "Never mind. C'mon now, let's just get him somewhere secure before calling an ambulance."

He walked up the stairs with the small skeleton in his arms, his fluffy cat waddling along behind him. Kicking open the door to the spare room, he shifted all the old cardboard boxes to the side with his foot. Crouching down slightly, he laid the smaller down onto the bed, cringing as the previously white sheets started to be stained with their blood.

"And I just fucking washed this..." He muttered, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand before crouching down next to Missy. "So what did you get, girl?"

The cat let him take the circlet from her mouth, rubbing herself against his leg after as he inspected it.

"A crown?" He blinked, looking down at it curiously before shrugging and placing it down on the bedside table by the limp and broken skeleton.

He sighed, pulling out his phone as he looked the smaller up and down with concern. Dialling three numbers, he held the phone up to his ear. "Ambulance? Yes, I need a shit ton of your best fucking medical workers to my address right now."


Oh shit here's chapter TWO



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