Oversized Jackets

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Goal of 10k for this book. Or less idk, it's not going to be very long

"So, how long was I unconscious for?" Dream asked warily, running his burnt fingers through the fur of the tabby cat sat on his chest.

Killer looked up at him, momentarily pausing at his work on the giant casts that trapped the smaller's legs. "A whole week. The doctors thought you were dead when I first called them here. And after that, they thought you'd die anyway. But you just managed to stay unconscious for a whole week before finally waking up today."

He closed his eyes, sighing loudly in relief as the first leg cast came off. It felt like a giant pressure had finally been pushed off of him. The feeling of being trapped wasn't as present as it had been before. "Please tell me I'll be able to walk on these legs..."

Killer glanced at him before looking at all the cracks and chips in the God's crudely fixed up legs. The doctors had healed them as much as they could with their magic, and had used normal medical supplies, but they couldn't fully fix the shattered legs. His eyes slid across the room, resting on the pair of crutches that were leant up against the empty wardrobe.

Dream followed his gaze, immediately shaking his head as he saw the crutches. "No. Never in a million years am I using those."


"I hate you."

Killer snickered, looking the irritated God up and down. He'd got all the casts off, and had just given Dream some clothes that weren't completely ripped to shreds.

The smaller was scowling at him, a large plaster covering his bruised left cheek. His now clean circlet was resting on his skull like it should be, glinting slightly under the bedroom light. He was propped up with a crutch in one hand, his other arm being held up in a sling. A rather oversized unzipped hoodie was draped across his frame, the light blue shirt beneath covering up the mess of bandaged and plastered ribs the smaller owned. He wore black shorts, the fabric only covering up to his knees before his freshly bandaged legs were shown. A pair of comfortable trainers had been slipped on his feet, and in all reality, they were a bit to big for him. All the clothes were too big really, but they were the smallest things Killer owned. He'd managed to keep his gloves, but they were left on the bed to keep his bandaged fingers on show.

"I look ridiculous." He hissed, looking down at his new clothes hatefully.

"You look normal. You look like an every day mortal, not a God." Killer narrowed his eyes, looking him up and down. "Isn't that what you want while you figure out how to escape here?"

"I guess..." He muttered, looking down at his casted arm. "But I still look stupid."

Killer cracked a grin, rolling his eyes. "Alright your majesty, so what now? How are we gonna return you to thy world above?"

Dream looked up at him in surprise, blinking. "You want to help me?"

"Uh...yeah? What on Earth did you think I was going to do?"

"Oh um...honestly I thought you were going to kick me out and let me fend for myself..."

"Did your God parents teach you that mortals were some sort of rabid beasts or something? Geez I'm just trying to help." Killer huffed, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets.

"O-Oh, um, Sorry." Dream mentally kicked himself, looking away. Why had he said that? He was such an idiot.

"Whatever. I'm used to it. Now, what's your plan?" He looked down at him, his expression emotionless. Dream couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or serious.

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now