Forgive Me?

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❤️💜6k babeyeyeyeyeyeyeyey💜❤️

"Hey Nightmare...?" The smol looked up at the god from the bed, folding the blankets neatly over his lap.

The God paused, glancing over at him from the other side of the room. "Hm? What is it?"

The monochromatic skeleton fiddled with his hands, trying not to break eye contact with the more intimating taller. "...What do you find special about me?"

Nightmare blinked, his expression never changing as he slowly walked over to one of the large windows by the side of the bed and drew the curtains. "What makes you think I find you special?"

"Well..." The smaller swallowed, choosing his words carefully. "For one, you haven't killed me yet."

"What makes you think I won't later?" He glanced at him, a small smirk twitching at the corner of his lips.

"I..." Cross trailed off, looking down at his hands. "...Will you...?"

Nightmare walked round to the other side of the bed, pulling those curtains shut as well before grinning at the smaller. "I have no current intentions to, no."

He breathed out, a relived look washing over his face. "That's good to hear."

The taller hummed, looking down at him for a moment before sitting down on the bed and easing himself down next to Cross. "And to answer your question, you're the only one that's ever shown me an ounce of genuine pity for me."

"I thought you said that you hate people pitying you." He whispered, slowly slipping into a lying position and looking at him.

"I do. That's why I hate it so much when you do it."


He snorted, shaking his head and rolling onto his back, looking up at the roof of the bed. "Don't worry about it Cross. It's just me trying to figure out my own life."

Cross blinked, a soft smile spreading on his face as snuggled close to his side for a moment. "Y'know, I think you've got you're life pretty well figured out already..."

"You think so?" He hummed lazily, amusement thick in his slightly-sleepy voice.

"Mhm..." He nodded, gently rubbing the fabric of Nightmare's shirt with his finger and thumb. "Compared to me anyway."

"Mm...sure..." He mumbled, his eye already shut, breathing slowing. He wasn't really paying attention, half asleep.

"Hey, Nightmare?" Cross sat up, looking down at the God.

"Mm?" He opened his eye lazily, glancing up at him.

"Do you love me...?"


"That's a pathetic answer."

"Alright, Alright." He held up a hand, motioning for him to lean down by him.

Cross blinked softly, giving him a slightly nervous look before leaning down, letting the taller lean up a bit to whisper in his non-existent ear.

"You're my everything at the moment, I love you~" He chuckled softly, poking his long tongue out to lick the smaller's neck slowly.

He squeaked, immediately jolting back and slapping a hand over his neck. His face burned darkly, flushed a very bright lavender. "I-I--"

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now