And he let Go

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"You feeling any better now...?" Killer asked softly, looking down at the small God clinging to his chest.

Dream gave a small nod, still having his arms wrapped tightly around Killer and blushing softly. He'd kind of freaked out after the kiss, almost going to run again. But Killer had managed to grab him and pull him back, talking to the smaller until he slowly gave in and relaxed.

"S-Sorry..." He mumbled, looking up at the taller.

"It's fine, you know I'm not mad at you." He murmured, gently stroking the top of his skull. "Just relax..."

Dream nodded weakly, a soft sigh escaping him as he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Killer's chest contently.

The taller smiled softly down at him, the hand on top of his skull dipping down to rub his cheek softly. "I don't want to rush you or anything, but we'll need to make a move soon..."

"Make a move?" He pushed his face away from Killer's chest, looking up at him in confusion.

"Your soul." He replied simply. "We need to get it back."

"O-Oh yeah... but what about Nightmare and Cross...?"

Killer sighed, closing his eyes in thought. "Maybe we can make a deal? He wants to keep Cross, you want your soul. Maybe we could somehow manage to yoink Cross from him and hold him captive for a trade?"

"I hardly doubt Nightmare would let us anywhere near enough Cross to 'yoink' him away, Killer."

"Still." He shrugged. "Never hurts to try, does it?"

"Yes but even if we do pull that off, there's still something we need to figure out about what to do."

"And what's that?"



Cross was half asleep when the giant double doors to the basement room suddenly swung open. He immediately lurched to his feet at the sound, a red knife held in his hand.

"Crossy, relax."

Nightmare was sat down, leaning back lazily against the brick wall with one leg stretched out in front of him, the other being crossed beneath it. He watched as two figures slipped through the open door, their hands clutched tightly together.

The king grinned widely upon seeing that, his head tipping back to rest against the wall. "Finally came scurrying back, hm?"

Killer glared at the God coldly, occasionally glancing at Cross and his knife. "You don't look very king-like down there on the floor."

He'd meant it as an insult, but Nightmare only laughed, shrugging. "No one can see me down here. Besides, I'm king, I do what I want."

Killer snarled softly to himself, gripping onto Dream's hand tighter as the evil twin's one eye rested on their interlocked fingers.

"So, accepted your feelings Dreamy~?" He drawled, reaching up to tug Cross' arm. It was almost like a command.

The small black and white mortal gave a nervous look at the two, but did as he wanted and slid down to sit next to the King. He visibly relaxed as Nightmare wrapped an arm around his waist, but he didn't un-summon his knife.

Dream's face was hot in both anger and embarrassment, but he gave a small nod as he stared at his brother and his lover.

"Oh perfect!" He let out a short laugh, his posture relaxing even more. "I was starting to worry we'd all have to fight, which would be a waste of course. But as soon as I saw you two walking in with your hands sweetly intertwined I knew we might be in for a little luck."

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now