Meeting Lewis

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"So this is your friend's house?"

"Yyyuuuupppp!" Killer strode down through the path in the front garden, a wide smile on his face.

Dream stayed still for a moment, craning his head back slightly to take in the house. It was certainly a lot newer than Killer's house, the walls having been plastered and painted grey to hide the brickwork beneath. The windows had black lining and ledges, and the roof's tiles were also much darker than the average house. Even the door was a dark plastic instead of the light wood that Killer's had. The curtains were closed and blocking of any sign of the house within. The garden was surprisingly clean, a few purple flowers growing along the neatly lain gravel path Killer had walked down. The lawn was even neatly clipped, looking freshly mown.

Killer raised an 'eyebrow', having noticed Dream's staring. "Yeah, yeah. I know. It's a lot cleaner than my house, I get it."

"It's also a lot darker..." Dream muttered, slowly stepping down the path and waiting by Killer's side.

"Oh yeah, that's because of his fascination in the Gods. Believe it or not, he favours all the dark Gods that could exist like uh...the one of death? The one of destruction? The one of Negativity?" He looked down at his fingers, counting them slowly as he thought.

"Reaper, Error...and my brother..." He looked to the side, his grip on the crutch tightening.

"Hey, relax. He's a really cheerful guy actually. He's not going to cast you out or anything because you're all positive and shit." He flashed a quick smile at the smaller, earning an unimpressed glance before the door suddenly swung inwards.

Dream jolted, immediately looking at the slightly small man stood in front of them.

He was just taller than Dream, wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a white slightly-crumpled shirt, a black unzipped hoodie over the top. He wore a pair of black scuffed trainers, the laces white and unmarked. His hair was surprising, died a bright red. The roots were dark black though, showing that it wasn't his natural hair colour. He blinked rapidly, looking at the two of them before breaking out into a wide smile.

"Killer!" He called happily, patting the skeleton on the back. "I haven't seen you in ages, buddy!"

The two hugged briefly, laughing at each other and shoving arms slightly. "Your hair's gonna need re-dying again mate, it's not looking too fresh." Killer joked, ruffling his spiky hair.

"Shut it Killer I had this done only two months ago!" He said back, shaking his head and huffing. He crossed his arms over his chest before suddenly spinning on his heels to look at Dream, his eyes narrowed. "So you're Killer's new...friend?"

"Yes Lewis. He's my friend." Killer said, pushing him gently. "So Shut it with that attitude."

Lewis snorted before looking Dream up and down, his expression curious. He let out a soft hum, his eyes scanning his small body before resting on the gold circlet on his cracked skull. Blinking rapidly, he suddenly gasped, whipping around to face Killer. "Killer! Do you know who he looks like?!" He hissed, excitement laced heavily in his voice.

"Yes Lewis. That's why I've brought him here." Killer said, smirking and rolling his eyes. "Now let's go inside, c'mon. I'm getting cold out here."

Lewis blinked rapidly, continuing to stare at Dream. "So... if I heard Killer correctly, and I'm sure I're a God?"

Dream winced before nodding slowly and shooting a glare at Killer, who shrugged apologetically in response. "Yes. I am."

"OHMYGODTHERESNOWAYJXHXHSUSHDHSY-–" Lewis let out an impressively high pitched squeal, his words coming out in a jumbled mess like Killer's had when he talked down the phone.

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