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❤️💜5k yaaaayyyyy But Jdhdhsjsjjdhd I dun think we're gonna reach my goal :'D💜❤️

There was the alpha.

It looked a lot more solid than the other ones, it's fur black and smooth. Occasional spots had fur missing, faded and fresh scars littering it's body to show its past marks from battles. It's lips were curled back in a snarl, saliva dripping from its mouth. It paced back and forth slowly, a low growl emitting from its throat as it stared right at them. It's black claws sunk into the sand, leaving dragging footprints behind as it walked. It's eyes never left them, one ice blue, the other white and blinded thanks to a large scratch across the left side of its face.

Honestly, Killer would have shit himself if he was human.

"A-Are we really expected to fight a-all seven of those demons?!" Killer hissed, looking over at Dream.

His face showed it all. He was frozen, his eyes fixated on the growling beasts as he stood his ground. "I..." He gulped, swallowing harshly. "I think...w-we might not make it out of this one unharmed...o-or alive..."

Killer grit his teeth, glancing up at the royal box that Nightmare was sitting in for a moment.

The God was leaning forwards on his seat, one arm lazily raised in the air. He didn't look at Killer or Dream, his eye staring right at the alpha dog. "We're doing something different today, okay?" Even without yelling, his voice travelled across the arena perfectly.

By his side, the mortal was wringing their hands, their expression being more one of fear and worry more than anything else. They were clearly not comfortable with what was going to go down.

"We're going to let the dogs loose for five minutes and five minutes only! If they survive, they live to fight another day and we'll let Error's pathetic excuse of a demon fight them! If not, then I guess they'll be crunching up bones all night!" He cackled, keeping his arm up in the air.

Dream inhaled shakily, also noticing the way Nightmare had his arm up. "He's going to signal..."

Killer crouched a bit, readjusting his grip on the dagger he'd kept and constantly glancing from Nightmare to the vicious dogs. "C'mon then...what are you waiting for you sadistic bastard...?"

The God smirked, taking a long look at his bother before winking, his tongue momentarily poking out of his mouth to lick his lips. "Boys~!" He called cheerily, looking back at the dogs and dropping his hand. "Feeding time~!"

Immediately they shot across like a bullet, bounding forwards towards the two defenceless skeletons like locked missiles.

The first logical thing Killer decided to do was scream. He let out an impressively high pitched shriek, stumbling back as fast as he could away from the dogs.

Dream fumbled with his arrows and bow, his head spinning and non-existent lungs failing at drawing in oxygen for him. He desperately notched an arrow into his bow, firing it right at one of the slightly smaller dogs.

It leapt to the side, it's whole body practically melting into smoke-like wisps before it merged back together, looking madder than ever.

"KILLER RUN!!" He screamed, almost dropping his bow as he dived out of the way from the demon as it lunged.

Killer was already doing that, running as fast as he could away from the demons. Yes it wasn't very good for his pride, but right now he'd rather look like a sissy instead of being ripped apart in the jaws of Nightmare's pets.

But as fast as he ran, the sand made it hard. He was constantly slipping, yelling and crying out in alarm as his feet skidded out from under him. One wrong move would send him tumbling, and ultimately, dead. And yet despite his efforts, the alpha was only mere metres away from him, and gaining every second.

It was snarling and snapping, it's bloodstained teeth coming only a few inches from clamping around his leg and shattering it to pieces.

Behind it, two other dogs followed, staying only a few extra metres behind the alpha, clearly knowing that the leader was going to be the one to take him down.

On the other side of the arena, Dream was in a similar situation, stumbling along as fast as he could on his still healing legs. The dogs seemed to be playing with him, occasionally running faster and nipping his feet so he'd trip, only to pull back right after until he was a little further ahead again. They were playing with their food.

In the middle of the arena, one demon stayed put, scratching the back of its ear with a foot before shaking itself. It was clearly the runt of the group, not even allowed to join in with the chase.

And then up on his throne, Nightmare was watching intently, a sickening grin spread across his face as he watched his brother and pathetic friend run around like headless chickens. It was an insult to them really. Especially his brother. Leaning back a bit on his throne, he kept one hand down, reaching over the edge to cover the mortals eyes.

The smol gripped onto that hand, pressing it firmly over his eye sockets and pressing close to the side of the throne. He was shaking.

"Don't you find this entertaining?" He laughed, looking down at him.

He shook his head quickly, keeping Nightmare's hand firmly against his face. He didn't say anything.

Nightmare shrugged, snickering to himself at how weak and pathetic the mortal could be at some times. "Mortals really are sad, aren't they? And getting boring, I don't want to watch another two minutes of them just running."

Down in the sand, Killer was running out of breath. He'd never been a runner, let alone a long distance one. He'd occasionally done the odd 100m or 200m at school sports days if people couldn't make it. But even those had shattered him. You see, stamina really was never his thing.

So he was steadily deteriorating, his legs being forced to move now. Sweat was streaming down his face, mixing with the blood on his forehead and making it hard to see once more. Every step sent his body screaming, and his hip was in agony, still feeling the pain from his stab wound.

And then he fucked up. His ankle twisted, giving out beneath him. Everything seemed to go in slow motion from there. He cried out in fear, falling and colliding to the ground with a thump. Immediately he tried to get back up, but the feeling of sharp claws digging into his shoulders stopped him, earning an anguished cry instead.

The alpha snarled, it's dripping teeth inches away from the side of his head, edging closer and closer.

Killer struggled, panting and gasping as he swung his arm round to try dig his knife into the beast. It phased right through. The blade didn't even pierce it, sliding through its smoke like body and clattering to the floor, his hand now empty.

The alpha growled, clearly not impressed with that. It leaned over, its mouth opening wide and slowly going down to clamp around his skull. He could practically feel those needle sharp teeth scratching against his bone.



Skzjhsisjshzusjsjshusje wow I didn't think I'd manage to drag this out into a whole chapter

Am I a goddess or what?

Even shaggy would be scared of me (yes I'm aware that meme is dead)

So u m guess what happens next I g u e s s ?


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