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I'm sorry-–

Lewis was dead.

The two skeletons watched in horror as the thick black tentacle ripped itself from the red haired male's chest, sending the body crashing to the floor.

It had all happened so suddenly. They'd tried the spell, done what the book had said. And then disaster struck. None of them had actually expected it to work. None of them thought that the God of Negativity himself would appear in a flash of dark light. No one expected Lewis to be stabbed right through the chest.

Dream was Frozen, watching his brother in Horror as he stepped out of the portal-like cloud of darkness he'd appeared in.

Nightmare's 'lips' curled back in a snarl, his cold cyan eye burning into Dream's soulless body. "You summoned me?" He he hissed, his voice icy cold and sharp. "You summoned me?!" His tentacles raised up behind him, one of them dripping with blood.

Killer stumbled back, his hands shaking as he grabbed onto a lamp that had been shoved into the corner. He held it in front of him protectively, acting like a sword.

The god sneered at him, a tentacle lashing out in a second and curling around the lamp's stand. A loud metallic snap rang out and the lamp fell into pieces, falling out of Killer's hands. "Pathetic."

"Shit." Killer backed up slightly, his silver pupils darting over to Dream. "What the hell do we do?!"

Dream clenched his hands into fists, glaring at his brother and trying to look as brave as possible. "Y-You don't need to do anything Killer. This is between m-my brother and I."

"Aww, how sweet~" Nightmare purred, his grin sickeningly wide. "Protecting your new friend? But look at you, you're hardly in any shape to protect anyone~" He cackled, the tips of his tentacles sharpening into vicious points. Dream could remember the feeling of those stabbing into him all too well.

"He has nothing to do with this Nightmare! Leave h-him alone!" Dream growled, shifting on his feet in a bracing position. He was positive that dodging wouldn't be an option if Nightmare chose to fight him. But then again, striking back would still result in him being 100% more beaten up than Nightmare.

"Alright." Nightmare shrugged, a tentacle flicking out to slam into Killer's chest side on and fling him into the bookshelves. "Now he's not in my way."

"Killer!" Dream watched in alarm as his friend's body slammed into the shelves, jolting largely before going limp and crumpling down to the floor in a heap.

"Leave him." Nightmare snapped, slapping him sharply across the face with a tentacle.

The smaller whimpered, clutching his face with his non-broken hand. His golden eyes met Nightmare's single blue one, shaking.

"If you're not going to do anything, I'll leave." He hissed, glaring at him. "I'm not taking you back, and I'm certainly not going to give your powers back, not after you've broken one of our golden rules."

Dream growled softly, his hands clenching into fists. "If you were so worried about me breaking the rules, maybe you should have dumped me into the ocean or into some desolate barren field."

The dark brother laughed dryly, cocking an eyebrow. "Maybe if that's what you prefer I can have that arranged."

"I'll pass." He hissed through gritted teeth, his eyes darting to the side to see how Killer was doing.

He was gone.

He immediately looked straight back at Nightmare, hoping that he hadn't noticed his friends disappearing act. Thankfully, the God was far too occupied looking down at the book of ancient Gods that Lewis owned. He looked amused, having probably noticed how someone had scribbled crudely over the illustrated second eye on his depiction.

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now