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"You?!" Killer looked at him in surprise, stepping back slightly in their cell and increasing his grip on Dream. It would be an understatement to say he was wary of this guy.

The mortal nodded softly, his pupils flicking over to the demon dog that was currently fast asleep in the cage three down from theirs.

"What the hell do you want from us?" He hissed, narrowing his eyes untrustingly.

"I'm here to get you out, duh. I know where Dream's soul is and I'm going to take you there if you stop giving me such a dirty look." He huffed, rolling his eyes.

"And why would you want to help us?" He spat, looking him up and down.

"Isn't it obvious? I want to go home?"

"Home? Why? You're living a life of luxury here as 'Lord Nightmare's' little pet. In fact, you seem to have become more than just a pet to him. You love him don't you!"

"K-Killer let's not make accusations." Dream whispered, only to be cut off by the taller.

"Shh." Killer hissed, glaring at the mortal. "I saw you and Nightmare kissing, don't try deny it."

The smol stiffened, going silent for a moment before looking down at the floor, a dry chuckle escaping him. "So you saw that? I thought you might have. You see Killer, I don't really have any feelings for that God. I'm using him." He grinned.

"Using him?" Dream frowned, stepping closer. "What do you mean?"

"Oh well we all know that a God loving a Mortal is the worst kind of sin. I'm not about to break that sacred rule and risk my life, am I? I cuddle up to him to gain his trust, hoping that that idiot might fall for me. Guess what? He did. That kiss was nothing more than me trying to fit in with my act." He shuddered softly, wiping at his mouth.

"I want to go home just like you do, Killer. But that's not possible without Dream's help. Honestly I couldn't care less about you."

Killer hissed, looking like he wanted to punch him, but Dream stopped him, looking up at him curiously. "You tricked my brother into falling in love with you? How?"

He raised an 'eyebrow', looking away to the side. "Pretty easy. He's been so starved of any sorts of affection he just crumbled in my hands."

Killer stared at him, noting a hint of some remorse in his voice. "And you're sure you're going to betray him?"

He swallowed, rubbing his wrists before looking at him. "Yes."

The taller mortal looked him up and down, going silent. "Hey, you've lost your locket..."

Instantly the smaller reached up and clutched his chest, looking down at where it usually hung and for a moment he panicked. "I-I-–" And then he remembered, forcing himself to look up at them nervously. "Nightmare must still have it..."

"Did it mean a lot to you?" Dream asked, leaning against Killer slightly.

"Y-Yeah... But it's not worth risking our freedom for..." He mumbled, turning round to face the exit. "Now c'mon, if we wait any longer we'll leave it too late and almost definitely get caught by a patrol guard."

"Give us one minute." Killer said, forcing a very fake grin at him before spinning round on his heels to face the other way, pulling Dream with him. "Do you trust him?"

Dream yelped softly, stumbling round and looking up at him. "Trust him? Yes? I mean, why wouldn't I?"

The taller winced, glancing quickly behind him to see the mortal was stood there quietly, watching them. "Just, something doesn't seem right about him, don't you feel it?"

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now