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I just watched End Game and *inhales*

That shit was good-–

Killer stepped back, his soul dropping as he stared at the ten warriors running towards them. The carried what looked like olden day swords, chest plates protecting their front. Apart from all those, they seemed not too enforced compared to the small skeletons.

"Okay, What's our strat--" Killer found himself being cut off as an arrow sailed through the air, slamming into the shoulder of one of the warriors with a sickening thunk. It buried itself right in, sinking in so deep that the tip of the dark arrowhead was no longer visible, buried in their flesh.

The warrior froze, stumbling to a stop before letting out a cry of pain, their legs giving out beneath them as they fell down to the floor, thrashing and clutching their shoulder. Blood seeped through their fingers, already dripping onto the sandy floor.

"Ah. That's our method." Killer watched as Dream pulled another arrow from his quiver, quickly sending it flying into another warrior's thigh. They collapsed immediately, suffering the same consequences as the previous opponent.

Dream didn't look at him, already having his next arrow pulled back on the bowstring. "Hey, I'm not going to be able to knock them all down! You try stab a few with your spear, okay?!"

Killer blinked, looking down at the spear in his hands in surprise. He had to stab then with his spear? Like fully stab them? Feel the metal tip pierce their skin and sink into their flesh? Dream wanted him to do that? Could he even do that?

"Killer come on!" Dream yelled, snapping him out of his thoughts and jumping backwards as the warriors drew rapidly closer.

The black tear marked skeleton jolted, stumbling backwards was he realised how close the six remaining warriors were - Dream had knocked down another one while he'd spaced out.

Shit. He didn't know if he could actually stab someone with the spear. And he couldn't just throw it, there'd be no hope for him getting it back with those other warriors in the way. He'd have to get up quite close and plunge it into their flesh.

"Killer!" Dream cried, shooting again frantically at the fast approaching opponents. "Hurry!"

Panicking both internally and externally, Killer gripped onto his spear tightly and inhaling sharply before charging at the oncoming warriors and yelling. Taking them by surprise.

A few of the warriors faltered, not actually expecting their 'prey' to come charging right back at them. But they recovered quickly, holding their swords back ready to swing as they came running at the two again.

Killer was aware that Dream was still shooting, seeing one of the warriors to his left get shot right in the neck, probably killing them instantly. He locked his eyes on a particular warrior and lunged, thrusting his spear forwards to pierce through their shoulder.

But at the last second he panicked, not actually wanting to be responsible for someone's death. Yelping, he rose the spear upwards and swung it, the blunt wood slamming right into the side of their head with an almighty crunch.

They collapsed immediately, blacking out before even a cry could escape their bloodied lips. The body fell, twitching and shaking on the sandy floor.

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now