Broken Rules

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I'm going camping this weekend and idk if there will be any service, so if I go missing for two days then sizysjsjuzus I'm sorry-–

Also I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't really make sense but it doesn't make much sense to me and I'm the author lmao-–

The three were frozen, their feet literally glued to the ground as they stared at Nightmare, shaking.

Cross cast Killer and Dream a sideways glance, swallowing harshly. "N-Nighty I--"

"Don't call me that." He hissed, pushing himself to his feet.

"I-I swear this isn't what this looks like!"

"Really?" He tilted his head to the side a bit, his mouth twisting into a scowl. "Because right now it looks like you've betrayed me and proceeded to free my prisoners. And then you've decided to lead them in the complete wrong direction of where they're hoping to go. Why's that, hm?"

Dream froze, slowly looking at Cross. "You took us the wrong way?"

Killer had to restrain himself, growling. "You shit! You lied to us!"

The small mortal ignored him, looking right at Nightmare, a small smile forming on his face. "You remember what I said last night, don't you?"

Nightmare stared back at him, his previously angered expression slowly fading. "...Yes?"

"Then you know why I said it?" He asked, slowly taking a few tentative steps forwards and towards him. "Why I left my locket. You know how important it is to me, I'd never just leave it."

Meanwhile, Dream was physically having to hold Killer back, whispering frantically to him to calm down. "Killer stop it! Our best bet is to try run while they're distracted."

Killer hissed loudly but glanced at the double doors they came through, noticing they were still slightly ajar. Gripping onto Dream's hand tighter, he suddenly made a dash for it, the two of them scrambling towards the doorway.

Not a second later Cross whipped around, something forming in his hand before he flung it at the two.

A giant, burning red knife sunk into the wall right in front of them, sending the two screeching to a halt with a choked scream. They dropped to the floor, scrambling back away from the knife as quick as possible.

"What the hell?!" Killer yelled, lurching to his feet and pointing at the smol. "How'd you do that?!"

Cross ignored Killer and smirked, now being right by Nightmare's side. He stared up at him, taking in the fact that it looked like the God wanted to stab him for what he'd done. And then he gripped onto the front of Nightmare's jacket, pulling him down to his height before kissing him.

Dream and Killer blinked rapidly, watching as Nightmare's expression of anger went to one of shock, and finally one of confusion. The tall God pulled back from the smol, gripping onto his shoulders tightly. "I--..."

He looked up at the God, whispering a few words of apology and slipping one of his slender hands to intertwine with Nightmare's gently. "I know something..."

The god looked down at him, his stunned expression slowly changing as a sly smirk spreading across his face and he gently hooked the heart locket back round his neck. "I knew you had to be planning something... And what do you know?"

The smaller took a sideways glance at the two before leaning up on his toes and whispering something in Nightmare's non-existent ear.

He stared at Dream Killer as Cross pulled back, a large grin spreading across his face. "Is that so~?"

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