Broken Lock

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Heyo so uh I just wanted to clear something up tbh. If you hadn't somehow realised, yes this is a Kréme book. And uh I'm not sure how you could miss it, but there's Crossmare in it. Yes it's a side ship, and yes I'm giving it more attention than your normal side ship in a story. And that's because yes I'm obsessed with it, and honestly, I'm never in the mood to write anything other than Crossmare these days so for me to actually be asked to write this book I had to get it in. And I'll be honest, writing this book was a struggle and I don't even know why. Idk if it's cuz it's not 100% Crossmare, but inspiration to write really lacked here. Most of you seem fine with all this Crossmare, and I'm happy for that. Besides, they're a major part of the plot line, I haven't just added them cuz I want to. But still, just wanted to say all this for some reason. Um, sorry if you just came here for Kréme, but tbh I've read some books about one ship that spends like 5 whole chapters on some other random-ass ship lmao.

Jesus Christ why did I write all that?

Sorry, just keep reading pls

Please for the love of my sanity enjoy







He awoke with a jolt, his eyes flashing open and boy lurching uprising suddenly. "H-Huh?!" He gasped, panting for breath and clutching his chest.

Opposite him, Dreams anxious face broke out into one of relief and he lunged forwards, tackling him back down to the floor with a hug. "You asshole! I thought you were going to die on me!"

Killer groaned loudly, his skull ringing and vision spinning. But he managed to wrap his arms around Dream, pulling him close to his chest. "Mm, nah I'm still alive...somehow..."

And then he remembered the dogs, freezing at the memory of one locking it's jaws around his head. "H-Hey, what happened in the arena? Wh-Where are the dogs? Where are we?! Are w-we in heaven?!"

"There's no such thing as heaven shut up." Dream said, glaring up at him momentarily before pressing his face back into his chest. "And we're back in our cell."

Killer blinked, looking around. And then he did indeed notice that they were surrounded once again by the familiar rusty bars and cracking concrete walls of their cell. "But why? How?"

"The five minute bell rang out just before that thing could rip your face off... Much to everyone except my disappointment..."

"Jesus..." He looked down, his eyes resting on the smaller, who was still pressed against his chest. "You comfy down there?"

"O-Oh Sorry!" Dream squeaked, immediately pushing off of him and stumbling back, his face yellow with embarrassment.

"N-No wait that didn't mean you had to get off!" Killer protested, weakly trying to pull him back. He was certain his face had also darkened in colour a bit.

But Dream shook his head, staying a good meter away from him and looking at the ground.

"Fucking brilliant." He muttered to himself. "I just blew that chance, didn't I?"

A Mortal's Touch (A Killer x Dream Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now