By Hook Or Crook

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Sarah's POV

" It's truth. Please trust me." Nikki said and I sighed.

" How come I got involved in this story?" I asked her.

" I did the wrong things with you by trying to protect you. I thought I was doing best for you but I forgot that you have your own choice too. I was forcing my choice on you but you wanted to spend your life in your own way. Making you like me was not going to work. I realized it when I was dying in the hospital bed. Trust me I have seen death from very close. I never believed in God but this incident made me believe that there's God. He is watching us from there. I was thinking if I could say sorry to everyone with whom I did wrong. I was wishing for a few days more for me. I wanted to do that for the peace of my mind. I was always the selfish one. I didn't want to die like this. I wanted to do things right. I wanted to change myself. I wanted the forgiveness. I wanted to do things clear which I made mess. I involved many innocent people in my evil game but I realized it was too late I couldn't do anything about that." She said and Mrs. Woodman kept her hand on her shoulder. Nikki wiped her tears. She shook her head a bit then chuckled.

" But God is much more kind than we can ever imagine. He listened to the prayer of a venomous creature like me. He grant my wish and get my life back. Trust me I suffered the worst way possible. I lived every horrible things that I did in my life. I lived hell. I was living it and there were only way to come out of it is repent. It took long for me to get well. I left all hope. I thought I will never ever be able to stand again. My body left responding. But Andrew was very stubborn. He hold on. And this is how I got back into life. It took a year for me to get well. I then started to repay for the damage I have done to people. The people who was innocent. First of all. I find you out. I didn't have courage to face you. I knew I was wrong but I couldn't take back things I have already done. So, I tried to help you from afar. Though you didn't like it anyone interfere in your life but I influenced your employer a bit. So that he makes you work a bit less and you can study properly. I knew if I went to you then you would have never ever trusted me. So I let you live your life like you wanted but I kept my eyes on you. You remember the boy who was disturbing you from long suddenly the school told him to transfer?" She said and I nodded. " I complained against him. They consider it." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Then suddenly why did went to me and bring me back home that day? You even forced me to come with you blackmailing about Paris." I said.

" Actually... Umm... I come to know that Conan has come back. I knew he will take a revenge on me and he knew very well that you are my weakness because I love you a lot. I didn't want you to get hurt for me again. I didn't want anyone hurt you ever. I tried to protect you. But if I told you to come back with me you would have never ever agreed. So I threatened you. Sorry for that. I had no other option but to do that." She said and I sighed.

" Revenge? Revenge on me?" I asked her.

" No, on me. I deserve that anyways. I did the horrible things with him. I had broken his trust." She said. " He trusted me but I couldn't hold that. I know what I have done. I am so sorry for that. Even if I can't look into my own eyes. Guilt is still eating me inside." She said.

" Caleb knew everything?" I asked her. She looked at Mrs. Woodman and she nodded.

" You remember I asked you one day that how to say sorry to someone?" She asked me.

" Yeah, what's with that?" I asked her.

" That day I said sorry to Eleanore and Conan. I hurt them both in the most horrible way. I told everything to Caleb that day." She said. He knows everything from long back?!! He didn't tell me?! He doesn't trust me?!! It hurt me like hell.

" Then why didn't he tell me anything?" I asked her.

" Because, I forbade him. You know you just started to talk to me. If he had told you everything then you would again start to hate me and I didn't want that. As I told you Caleb is still very kind guy. He decided to help me. Besides he loves you a lot. He could never ever hurt you. So, he decided not to tell you that." She said and I sighed. But he hide it from me. He will get his punishment for hiding it from me.

" Alright, I got everything. But what were you two doing in the restaurant that time?" I asked her.

" We were there for some important thing. But how did you reach there? Caleb said you are so tired and sleeping?" She asked me.

" That doesn't matter. I asked you first so tell me." I said. She sighed.

" We were there to plan a surprise party on your birthday next week. Even Paris was there." She said.

" But she told me that she went there with her friends?" I asked her.

" Because we were there to plan the surprise party for you. She can't tell you that." She said. I sighed. It's my birthday next week. He remembers that.

" Please, forgive me, Sarah. I was behind everything. Please, don't take it wrong. He really loves you a lot don't hurt him. He didn't even had any idea about it." She said. " Don't punish him for my sins. If you want then you can punish me." She said.

" Did he tried to take revenge on me? He married me for that? Was that his plan? Tell me. You know everything, Nikki. If you don't tell me then I will cut my wrist this instant in front of your eyes." I asked her she looked at me in horror. But before she could answer me I heard his cold voice which frozen me at once.

" Let's see how brave you are. Come one, cut your wrist. Cut it." He came inside with that cold look on his face. I gritted my teeth and threw away the knife.

" So that you can get free? Never. That's not happening ever. You are going to suffer for what you have done to me." I said gritting my teeth. He doesn't trust me then I will make him trust me. By hook or crook.

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