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Ashelyonna's Pov

I lay in bed, a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach.

It was 8:30 a.m., and my parents were out. Mom had a doctor's appointment, and Dad went with her. My older brother, who's 23 and in college, wasn't around either.

As for me, I'm 18 and the only girl my parents have.

So, yeah, the new baby on the way is a boy. How unfortunate.

Turning onto my side, I noticed my phone on the nightstand. I reached for it and saw a few missed calls from Jessica. The rising anxiety felt almost palpable.

"Oh, shit," I muttered as I saw a new text from Jessica.


I'm coming over.

I tossed my phone to the other side of the bed and buried myself under the pillow and covers, trying to calm the anxious fluttering in my chest.


"Lyonna, what the heck? You're not even dressed, and have you showered?" Jessica burst into my room, pulling the pillows and sheets off me.

Faking a cough, I glanced at her and said, "I don't know, Jess, I'm not feeling too well."

She looked at me, laughing as she gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "First off, you're a terrible liar. And secondly, who's the guy?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "What guy? I don't know what you're talking about." I got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Jessica followed and stood in the doorway. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, debating whether or not to confide in her.

She's so dramatic, I thought, but she's my best friend.

It's your funeral, the voice in my head warned.

I squeezed toothpaste onto my toothbrush and started brushing. After a few minutes, I applied a face scrub that Jessica's grandma had given me. It was a family recipe for clear skin and worked wonders, so I was grateful for it.

"Who's Stefan?" Jessica asked, holding up my phone.


"Jess, that's private!" I charged at her, but she dodged me with a laugh.

"Woohoo! So, there is a guy," she giggled as I tackled her onto my bed, playfully straddling her hips.

"Jess, give it back, come on, please," I begged, but she held my phone just out of reach.

"No way! This is actually juicy," she giggled, rolling me off and sitting on my butt.

"Jess! You're being so mean. Give it back!" I protested, feeling defeated as she read through the messages between me and Stefan.

Gosh, this is embarrassing, I thought, lying there.

"Oh wow, he's really bossy," Jessica chuckled. "Wait, he wants to see you today!" Her excitement was palpable, and I was confused.

"Girl, get up! Go shower, what are you waiting for?" She hopped off me, practically bursting with joy.

"Wait, you're not upset that I'm leaving you alone?" I asked, trying to understand if she was genuinely happy for me.

"Girl, I've got a boyfriend to keep me company; you don't," she replied with a shrug. "Besides, I should be mad that you didn't tell me about this guy."

"That's the thing, umm..." I trailed off, biting my lower lip.

Jessica's eyes grew more curious, and her anxiety was palpable. "Is he a guy from school?"

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