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Ashelyonna's POV

"Help! Please!" I screamed as I sprinted through the dark forest near Stefan's house.

My heart pounded as I dashed through the trees, the creature pursuing me moving at terrifying speed. I could barely see where I was going.

Reaching the front lawn, I ran toward the front door, but a dog-like creature lunged at me, grabbing my leg and causing me to fall.

"No, no, please!!!" I cried out as I was dragged back into the forest, my pleas echoing through the trees.

I jolted awake, still lying in bed. Cold sweat dripped from my forehead as I rubbed my throbbing head.

I glanced at my phone and saw three missed calls from Jessica and a few unread messages.

Beside me, my diary lay open. I quickly closed it and hid the book of secrets under my bed.

Dressed in shorts and a spaghetti strap blouse, I went downstairs. I found Dad sipping coffee at the kitchen table, while Mom lounged on the couch, rubbing her baby bump. My mind was foggy, the events of the past few days feeling distant and disjointed, causing a dull ache in my head.

Shaking off the discomfort, I approached the coffee machine, starting a brew. I grabbed Nutella from the cabinet and some bread to toast.

As I popped two slices of bread into the toaster oven and poured myself a cup of coffee, I hummed to myself. My peace was shattered by Mom's urgent shout.

"Hunny!?" she called out anxiously.

"Yes, babe," Dad responded, not looking up from his newspaper.

"Ameliano!" Mom's voice was filled with panic. I turned quickly and saw her grabbing the paper from Dad's hands.

"Dad! She's going into labor!" I blurted out, and Dad, typically slow on the uptake, immediately sprang into action, rushing over to Mom.

As he helped her stand, a pool of water formed around her feet on the carpet.

"Gross," I muttered, heading to gather the necessary items.

I packed the car with everything Mom would need while Dad helped her get in. He was trying hard to stay calm, but his nervousness was evident in his hurried movements.

"Call Jessica to stay with you, okay?" Dad yelled over his shoulder as he reversed out of the garage.

"I'll be at the hospital as soon as I'm done. I love you, Mom and Dad, and I can't wait to meet my little brother!" I shouted as the car drove off.

I stood there, torn between excitement and uncertainty, unsure of how I truly felt.

Returning inside, I reached for my phone to call Jessica. But as I tried to focus, my head began to spin, and before I could make sense of what was happening, everything went dark, and I collapsed with a thud.

Jessica's POV

"Mom!" I yelled in excitement as I raced down the stairs.

"Child, you know the rules. No running on the stairs; you might hurt yourself," Mom called from the kitchen.

I quickly walked over to her, barely able to contain my excitement. "Ash's mom is in labor!"

Mom's face lit up with joy. Ash's mom and mine had been best friends since high school, so the news was thrilling for her. But as I hugged her, I felt an odd, unsettling vibe.

"Mom, is something wrong?" I asked, my happy bubble bursting.

Mom hesitated, setting down the knife she was using to cut herbs. She touched my hand gently, her silence growing heavier.

"Mom?" I called again, growing more concerned.

I arrived at Ash's house, turned off the engine, and took a moment to steady myself. I pushed aside my unease and got out of the car.

Jogging up to the front porch, I knocked on the door. "Ash?" I called, but there was no response.

Thinking she might be in her room with music on, I decided to use a simple unlocking spell. With a whisper and a wave of my hand, the door clicked open, and I smiled at my success.

Stepping inside, I was met with a disturbing sight—Ash lying unconscious on the floor.

Panic surged through me. I rushed to her side, shaking her gently. "Ash, Ash, this isn't funny. Please wake up. Please, fuck, wake up!" I pleaded, my voice breaking as I checked her wrist for a pulse.

I found a pulse and felt relief when I noticed she was breathing normally. However, she remained unresponsive and pale.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my hands on her temples, closed my eyes, and focused. I began to invade her mind, hoping to uncover what had caused her sudden collapse.

Ashelyonna's Thoughts

"I don't believe you," I had told Stefan, clutching my head in my hands.

As I delved into my own mind, it felt like flipping through pages in a book, searching for answers. I discovered what was troubling me.

"You will not run away nor disobey," Stefan had commanded as he held me in his grasp.

"I will not run away nor disobey," I had repeated, trapped in a trance-like state.

This revelation surprised me, but I remained focused and continued exploring deeper into my thoughts.

"You will not tell anyone about this, not even Jessica," Stefan had said.

"I will not tell anyone about this, not even Jessica," I had echoed, and then, as if waking from a dream, I returned to normal.

I felt a pang of offense but quickly understood the necessity of his actions.

Having found what I needed, I withdrew from my mind.

Exited Ashelyonna's Thoughts

The revelation that Stefan was also a witch puzzled and surprised me. Perhaps he could help me.

As I unraveled Ash's tangled thoughts, I managed to piece together the situation. A few seconds later, Ash sat up in shock, holding her head. I reached out to comfort her.

"Hey. Hey. Calm down," I cooed softly, rubbing her hair and pulling her into a comforting embrace.

She relaxed slightly and whispered, "Are vampires real, Jess?"

I couldn't help but giggle at her question, but I stopped when I saw she wasn't laughing.


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