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It was a warm night. The air was light and breezy and it ruffled V's hair slightly. The different smells of the smoke, roasted meat, sweat, flowers and horse dung were all present on the ground, but V could barely sense it all the way up the tall tower. He loved high abandoned places. He loved the peace and quiet. He would usually close his eyes and concentrate on the sounds around him, listening carefully. His senses were sharper than the rest and his eyes saw perfectly well in the dark. He looked unreal, ethereal almost in his dark outfit and long leather coat. The only bright thing on him was his blond hair and icy blue eyes. He was a gorgeous man, a bit proud and unnerving if you look at his eyes long enough. His gaze was deep. It reached inside someone's soul, baring it naked and vulnerable. The only small number of people could be in V's vicinity for a long time and not feel the chills in their bones. But he loved that, he preferred solitude instead of a company. He loved to hide in the shadows, listening, observing, hunting, it was in his rare blood. The nights and shadows were his best companions.

Only three persons in V's life were strong enough to be around him all the time and don't feel the maddening pressure of his presence and those were his Mentor and the brother figure Seokjin, Jimin, his best friend and his twin brother, Tae.

As V was cold, calculated, unnerving and proud, Tae was his opposite in many ways, warm, friendly and approachable. Even though they were identical to the mole on their beautiful face, Mother Nature had a weird inspiration when creating the brothers. As V's hair was blond and his eyes blue, Tae was dark-haired, with warm chocolate eyes and gentler features. Their characters, although very different, completed each other almost entirely. What one lacked, the other one had it in abundance and vice versa. V couldn't imagine his life without his twin and he knew that Tae feels the same.

Their mother used to say that she had one son of the Night and one son of the Day. She said that Sun gave V a sunny hair and sky blue eyes to always keep him warm at night and brighten his sight so he can see in the dark, while the Night gave Tae dark hair and sparkly dark eyes to always manage to find shade and safety during the day and to charm people around him. They loved their mother and they missed her terribly, but the death took her quite early and since they never met their father, they had to survive on their own.

V took a deep sigh as he remembered their childhood past, their hardships after their mother died. The memory was vague now, but still, cut in deep into his memory. He will never forget the promised fate that they nearly evaded. It was soon after their mother's burial, that the government took them and place them into an orphanage. As they were strikingly beautiful and so rare looking from a very young age, they quickly caught the attention of several brothel owners, who were regulars at the institution, buying young boys and girls to sell them as sex slaves to the wealthy people. They fought among themselves who's going to have them. It was rare for identical twins to have different hair and eyes color and each was magnificent in his own unique way. On the day of their auction, they tried to escape but were caught and tied up together. They were sold to the worst of them all, the man known in their secret circles as the man who loved to fuck children. Everyone hated him, but he had the money, lots and lots of money and he used that to rule them all. That night they were bathed, placed in the clean white tunics, perfumed and fed. They were tied up to the bed, arms, and legs next to one another to wait for their master. Tae was crying, shaking from fear, but V looked around, trying to wiggle himself out, but with no avail.

Soon their new master came. V forced himself during the years to forget his image, but even now, after all this time, blurry features of the man's face surfaced and V gritted his teeth at the memory. The man was bile, sadistic and disgusting, with small eyes, wobbly under-chin, and short mustaches. His hair was short and receding and he wears the wig during the day, but for this occasion, he didn't mind showing his real face.

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