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-''They will not get out from this island. – ''The Count said calmly, arms crossed across his chest, while one long finger touched his lower lip gently to and fro, still watching through the window. – ''All the ways out are blocked. I have my men everywhere.''

-''What makes you think they are still on the island Jiyong Hyung? Namjoon's magic would break through any defense.'' – Yoongi said.

-''And that's exactly how I know he is on this island still. There were no casualties yet.'' – Jiyong said and bit the tip of his fingertip.

-''You send your men there knowing that they might die, just so you know where Namjoon went?'' – Taeyang, the dark-haired, tattooed Assassin, who was executing one of the missions for the Order when Namjoon's escaped, asked incredulously. He was extremely furious that they let him ran away. He hated Namjoon with all of his beings, as the man was responsible for the deaths of many people of his tribe and the Assassin's Order.

The Count, tired of his constant tirade ever since that happened, just looked at him boringly.

-''You cold motherfucker.'' – Taeyang hissed through his clenched teeth.

-''Are you sure that's enough?'' – Tae cuts in before Seunghyun could react with his retort and Jiyong raised one of his eyebrows, turning slightly to look at him, but saying nothing. The response came, however, from Taeyang.

-''Our assassins are there as well. Better hidden and careful.'' – He said crudely, still eyeing the Count. – ''Just in case his defenses fail. Our men are trained to deal with his lot.''

The corners of Jiyong's mouth twitched for a moment, but he quickly willed his muscles to stay calm.

Tae blinked, his eyes falling to the ground as he nodded slightly. -''It's just...'' – He said. – ''Namjoon does seem like someone who could find the way out from your webs and through your fingers. Plus...'' – He added looking at each one of them with an air of calmness. – ''...wasn't Heechul involved with everything here before?'' – He asked, looking at the Count, who failed to control his irritation now, his jaw tightened almost unnoticeable. Twins saw it though. Tae even titled his head and continue speaking. - ''He was one of yours main spies, hasn't he? We all thought he was just a pirate and you made it sure that everything looks like it's exactly the case, but he was one of yours and now he betrayed you. What's worse, he has the information of one of the artifacts you hid already, which is now, technically in Namjoon's hands.''

There was silence when these words were uttered. The truth was difficult to bear. Namjoon escaped last night, with the help of Heechul, causing a huge blow to Jiyong, right below the belt. They found Hoseok unconscious in the cellars. Some of the Count's men that stood guard were killed. Their throats were slit, probably by Heechul himself. They trusted him, he was one of them. They never saw it coming. Hoseok and Donghae were strangely spared, which made them think that Heechul, maybe, still had some grain of mercifulness in him. They did spend weeks talking and drinking together, Hoseokd more than others. Heechul was always soft for the minstrel or at least that's what he wanted them to think. He played his role so perfectly, that even Hoseok's sharp eyes haven't seen through his mirage.

V shook with rage at the thought of losing Hoseok. He held him close that night. They didn't speak about it, just held each other tight as they never did before.

It seems that Heechul was even more talented than the Count previously thought, playing carefully on two sides and selling his services to the highest bidder, just like a real pirate would do. It seems that Namjoon's way of convincing was more powerful than Jiyong's seductive words.

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