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They were seated in Seokjin's huge library. Tae occupied almost entire table area with a bunch of opened books and maps, running his eyes from one to the next in high concentration.

On the other side of the study, in two comfortable chairs near the window, sat V and Jimin. The window was made as a mosaic, each part was painted a different color, so the sun rays played a magnificent game within the room, filling it with different color lights.

V twirled his wine glass in his long slender fingers, watching the bits of dust lazily floating around as the sound of paper rustling and quill squibbing on the parchment raced to meet the sounds of a nearby ticking clock. The clock soon started ringing at three o'clock, filling the room with its sound. Jimin, who was meditating for a while now, something quite unusual for him, groaned and stretched his limbs like a cat on the other chair before reached up to take a huge gulp of his wine, his eyes following his twin's every move. Jimin observed Tae's bent form on the working surface and he let a small groan. He placed the glass back on the small table and stood up, going straight towards the other man. V, already prepared for the shouting and bickering, took a deep sigh.

-''When are you going to give your sweet plump ass to me Tae?'' - Jimin asked seductively while hugging the dark-haired boy around the waist, pressing his groin on the latter's ass.

-''Aaagh fuck Jimin, get off!!!'' - Tae smacked his arm and pushed him hard. Tae hated when a smaller man sneaked up behind him like that when he is deeply immersed in his work. It's his fault in some way he didn't pay much heed on the voices that just came in the room. He presumed it was his brother, but he forgot about his annoying best friend. Jimin giggled and let him go. He loved to tease him.

-''Oh, c-mon Tae, just admit, you like it when I grind on your ass.'' - Jimin grinned teasingly, biting his plump lower lip to stop from laughing at Tae's expression. Tae wanted to slap him.

-''You wish! Not everyone wants your small dick in their ass!'' -Tae spat and V and Jimin roared with laughter. It was like that for a while now, V thought, ever since Jimin got that insane idea in his crazy head of fucking him and his brother at the same time. Tae refused right away, not particularly liking the other man, but V just smirked and told Jimin he will do it if his brother agrees. Damn asshole, Tae thought. That only brought tons of annoying advances of other man and Tae seriously started to lose all patience.

He could feel Jimin's eyes on him all the time, lusting for him, gritting his teeth on dirty comments sent his way, growl every time Jimin's hand grope his ass or grind on him, like he just did a minute ago, with his entire body.

Already snappy and on edge, Tae had no patience what's so ever to stay quiet and allow Jimin to rattle his cage again. He returned his gaze on the maps he was trying to figure out and was rudely interrupted when he heard his twin's voice.

-''Little Chimmy is everything but 'small' brother.'' - V said. – ''It has girth too.'' - He added and winked at Jimin, who was grinning like Cheshire cat now.

-''Oh you know I do.'' - He said and licked his lower lip. V chuckled, but Tae signed exasperated.

-''You two are disgusting.'' – He said. He didn't know in which way V's and Jimin's relationship has progressed nor how V knew so much about Jimin's dick, but he didn't really care to know. Those two were always weird ever since they met fourteen years ago.

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