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Namjoon sat on the floor of his cage, legs spread, back leaning against the bars. The runes carved in the metal were too strong. His magic, now fully charged by the time he was held captive, couldn't breach through the restraint. He wondered how long would he had to stay here. The blonde twin, whose power was still untrained and uncontrolled, has stopped with his visits, but Namjoon knew that it's not over yet. As long as Jin sleeps, Namjoon had leverage over twins and something to bargain with, unless his crew comes and rescue him. He thought of Jackson and how worried he probably is. For all of his years, Jackson was the only one who never disappointed him. Sure they argue and fight as brothers do, but Namjoon knew that Jackson would have died for him. He wondered what happened to him. He was supposed to keep watch around the tower, but then again Sugar knew exactly how to press Jackson's buttons. He did it often when they were sailing together. Speaking of the sweet Devil, there was a small rustling at the door and Namjoon's eyes fell upon a pale figure dressed all in black. His dark hair falling on his brows as silver dangling earrings hang from his ears.

-''My dear Sugar, what brings you to my humble abode?'' – He said sarcastically, spreading his hands in welcome as Yoongi strode slowly towards him.

-''Spare me the small talk Namjoon. It's been a while.'' – Yoongi's deep drawl was as quite contrast to his cute cat-like face. Namjoon scanned him carefully.

-''You look pale.'' – He said and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

-''I always look pale.''

Namjoon grinned. – ''That you are. What do you want Sugar?''

-''My name is Yoongi.'' – Yoongi said it curtly, but Namjoon grinned wider.

-''Aaah, but I'm afraid you would always be little Suga to me. The old habits die hard, especially for an old man like me.''

-''You are not that old Namjoon, stop fucking around.'' – Yoongi growled low.

Namjoon chuckled.-''But how can I not to? When it feels so fucking good to fuck.''

Yoongi's eyes grew dark from annoyance, which seems to urge Namjoon even more.

-''You were too young back then Sugar to know what a good fuck is.'' – He tilted his head at the smaller man. – ''But I believe you had your fair share during the years with the face like that. I wish I was there to celebrate your first fuck Sugar. A boy becoming a man, a marvelous transformation.'' – Namjoon spoke, acting like an older brother. Yoongi wanted to punch him.

-''What I remember of you...'' - Yoongi spoke suddenly, stopping Namjoon's rambling. ''...is that you were kind and righteous.'' – He sat on the floor opposite Namjoon. – ''But I guess time does changes people, some less, some more.''

-''It didn't change you much though.'' – Namjoon smiled. – ''You are still cute as you were before Sugar.''

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