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Yoongi struggled to break free, but it was in no avail. The bonds were masterly made, the rope tied perfectly around his wrists. He was forced to stand, stretched like a star. He stopped when he heard Jackson entering his cabin again, closing the door behind him. The ship was moving, Yoongi could feel that much, but he had no idea where. He didn't know what Namjoon knew, or what happened or if Jungkook and Jin were still alive. His heart wept for Jimin, he wondered if he suffered too much or if they killed him fast. Their enemies were stronger, ruthless and Yoongi lost all will to live. He knew what awaits for him, Jackson told him and he knew it was true because Jackson didn't lie.

-''Ah, my little Suga...'' – Jackson cooed wickedly as he approached. – ''You are still sweet as a kitten.'' – He said, his fingers cupping Yoongi's cheek, while his thumb digs on the other one painfully. He turned his head, so he could nuzzle his nose into the curve of Yoongi's throat and shoulder to take a deep breath of Yoongi's skin. He exhales loudly through his mouth and inhaled it again, positively shanking from the scent. Yoongi closed his eyes disgusted, as he felt an open mouth kiss on his neck, licking at his skin and sucking harshly. The pain shot through him, but he clenched his teeth, not wanting to give the blond man the satisfaction of crying out.

-''You are a beautiful kitten, even more than I remember.'' – Jackson leaned back to stare at Yoongi's closed eyes and then slapped his cheek when he saw that they were closed. Yoongi's cheek stung as Jackson's eyes dig dip into his own. There wasn't any familiarity in them, only blunt and sadistic rage. Namjoon's magic affected them all, it was like a virus. If Yoongi had stayed on that ship all those years ago he would be just like Jackson.

Jackson's other hand gripped at Yoongi's hair, while he allowed the other to slide from Yoongi's cheek and onto his shirt. He struggled as he unbuttoned first two buttons to reveal more of pale flesh underneath. He tugged Yoongi's hair, arching his neck even more and then latched his lips on the exposed skin. Yoongi closed his eyes again from the sharp pain as Jackson bit down hard but managed not to whimper, simply hiss.

-''I want to see you.'' – Jackson said, letting go off him. He pulled out his knife and grab a fist full of Yoongi's clothes. He placed the blade inside the cloth and with one swift move he rips through the fabric, buttons flying everywhere. He tugged at the shirt and starred at Yoongi. He placed one of his hands on his chest, his palm burning Yoongi's skin and then slid down from his nipple towards the pale stomach and pants. He sunk his fingers inside the leather, pulling enough to slide the knife as well and then sliced through. Yoongi's breath hitched from panic as the blade went too near. He could almost feel the steel on his cock before it moved from it. He let the gasp of air as his pants were ripped open. But Jackson didn't stop there. He slid the knife in one of the pants legs, slicing it down straight through and then repeating the same on the other leg. The knife cut deeper this time, slicing through the flesh as well. Yoongi hissed.

-''Oh, did I cut you? I'm sorry.'' – Jackson did not sound sorry at all. He worked carefully until every bit of Yoongi clothes was cut from him, leaving him bare and pale, aside of one small bleeding cut on his right thigh. Jackson's eyes gleamed. – ''Damn, you exceed my expectations Sugar. You are absolutely stunning. I could eat you up.''

He tossed the knife and started circling tied man, watching him up and down, stroking himself through the pants, obviously hard by the mere sight.

-''What? No feisty remarks? No savage insults?'' – Jackson laughed, taking off his shirt. His chest was perfectly formed, nicely toned and filled with muscles. He was handsome man, but so vile now that Yoongi dreaded of what will happen next.

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