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Jin entered a lavishly decorated room. It had a high ceiling, dangling sparkly chandelier and large gold statue of a dragon holding nicely engraved letter G, the name of the family. Huge pillows and cushions were carelessly thrown at the big bed, where the gorgeous cat lay. Her white fur spoke of an expensive breed, while her green eyes matched an emerald necklace around her neck. She hissed at Jin, who hissed back at her, holding the silent staring contest of will.

-''Why do you use such an informal language towards my precious?'' – Jin turned around to see the Count, sprawled at the sofa on the other side of the room. He eyed Jin amusingly. His 'precious'  however meowed and jumped from the bed, her tail raised proudly high as she graciously walked pass Jin and jumped at three huge puffy pillows to be near her human. Jin rolled his eyes.

-''I don't trust things that are pretty as me.'' – Jin said seriously and sat on the chair, opposite from where the Count was nearly lying, considering his relaxed pose.

-''Oh but then you are smart my darling.'' – The Count said, smiling gently. His eyes didn't smile though, no, they were sharp and alert, a complete contrast from his entire bearing. Jin thought it must be a tactic to trick people, to think that everything is fine and that there is no danger, but the Count was a very dangerous man and Jin knew that perfectly well.

-''I never trust beautiful things, although I wouldn't say exactly 'pretty' for either of you, but rather stunningly gorgeous.'' – The Count look first at his precious pet, then back on Jin. – ''I always knew there was something in you that I was drawn to from the very beginning.''

Jin titled his head at that and eyed the Count more carefully, observing his agile body, richly dressed in a lavish outfit and silks. Ruby rings on his long slender fingers and ears made him look like a masterpiece. The Count might look like a fragile thing, but he was far from it. Jin met him at one of his missions. They helped each other and continued doing so ever since, for a price of course. In many ways, the Count looked exactly like his 'precious' and Jin wasn't sure whether or not he like the man. The Count was useful and very expensive and Jin would rather be in his good books, than his bad ones, so he guarded his tongue carefully since the Count's specialties were information extraction. Only five minutes in his company, with his sweet words and clever nudges, you wouldn't even realize that you told him not only your life story but your secret codes, coin stash and the number of your bank account.

-''I didn't think you liked anyone besides the Countess.'' – He nodded towards the cat, who laid elegantly and observed everything with a proud poise and her emerald eyes. Her long white fur was perfectly brushed and maintained. The Count switched his gaze to look at her and she blinked slowly at him, acknowledging his existence with an aura of someone superior.

-''Oh, I am bound with my life to my precious love.'' – The Count said, stretching one of his long limbs across space between them, pointing his long finger to gently touch the cat's pink nose. – ''She is gorgeous isn't she?''

He returned to sit leniently, his eyes shining hungrily towards Jin. He let his gaze slide on Jin's face, his wide shoulders and handsome body and he let one of his fingers gently brush his lips.

-''You are gorgeous too my friend.'' – The Count said craning his neck. He was also very beautiful, almost unreal. He reminded Jin a bit, on twins. Like them, the Count also had something witchy in him.

-''Hmmm...'' – He hummed seductively. – ''How come we never fucked together, hmm?'' – He asked gently sifting his hips like he couldn't help it. Jin was not tempted.

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