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The day was pretty calm and the inn was mildly full. People came for a drink or food and a good piece of gossip. Hoseok sat at his favorite table. It's been months since he and Jungkook came to Bangtan and stayed in the Inn. They supposed to move on by now, or at least get their own rooms somewhere in the town, but the Innkeeper was fair enough and gave them two comfortable smaller rooms and three meals a day for the exchange of Hoseok's entertainment during the evenings. The Innkeeper couldn't recall the time his Inn was so full, almost every night before Hoseok came in. The guy was a gold maker and the Innkeeper was a reasonable man. So the bargain was struck and the two friends stayed in comfortably.

Even though he was tall, strong and looked menacing with a sword in his hands, Jungkook's big doe eyes had a lasting effect on the Inn keeper's wife, who made her life's mission to mother Jungkook as much as she could, not having children of her own and made sure that he eats regularly three times a day and drink a cup of milk before the bed. Blushing at first, unused at such affection, Jungkook tried to refuse but the old lady's face was too gentle and who was he to reject such generosity.

Yes, Hoseok was sure, that they hit a jackpot with this place. He even liked the town and the people. They were good-natured and hardworking folks and even their nobility wasn't that bad. Not as bad as they could be. Not nearly as bad as some they've met on their long journey. Hoseok didn't think that he would want to stay someplace longer than a few weeks, but here he was, with no immediate plan of leaving... and then there is V, who was constantly appearing in his deepest thoughts. Hoseok was in the middle of imagining V's lips and warmth of his body when a familiar voice called him.

-''Hyung!'' – Hoseok turned to see Tae hurrying towards him, with a worried expression on his face. Hoseok tilted his head, furrowing his brow. – ''What's wrong Tae?''

-''Hyung where is Jungkook?'' – He asked and Hoseok's brows furrowed more.

-''I don't know, I thought he was with you. I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon.''

Tae groaned. – ''I can't find him anywhere. Shit.'' - Tae runs his hand through his dark hair, huffing.

-''Tae, you seem worried, what's wrong?'' – Hoseok asked, now worried himself.

-''Oh...'' – Tae shifted. – ''It's nothing...it's...just... do you have any idea where he might be? I need him urgently.'' – Hoseok never saw Tae so nervous before.

-''No, honestly, I have no idea, but he must be somewhere around. He never disappears for long. Maybe he went for a walk, brooding and stuff. Damn it Tae, calm down, you look like a wreck. Did you two had a fight?''

Tae didn't answer but kept looked around the Inn, trying to catch somewhere the sight of his lover. Hoseok placed his hands on his shoulders, turning him gently to face him. – ''Tae, something is not right, I can see it...you don't have to tell me what it is, just tell me can I help you?''

Tae looked at him carefully and then shook his head. – ''No Hyung, you can't, I'm sorry.''

-''But Jungkookie could?'' – Hoseok asked and Tae nodded.

-''Yes, he might. Listen Hyung.'' – Tae placed one hand on Hoseok's chest and lean closer, speaking in a hushed tone. – ''Something came up and I have to leave for a day or two. V isn't here or I would ask him to go with me. Tell Kook, when you see him, not to look for me and both of you keep low until....'' – He made a short pause, gulping slightly, before continuing, but Hoseok sensed that the situation is much more serious than it seemed at first. – ''...until me or my brother return.'' – Tae finished and squeezed Hoseok on his shoulder.

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