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-''Didn't we supposed to set him the trap and not vice versa?'' – V asked, eyes wide as the cave they've previously chosen was now flooded by Namjoon's men. The cave was old, filled with crystals and light. In ancient days it was used for the magical rituals. Their plan was to get to the cave, set the trap with runes and lure Namjoon in. The runes filled with the energy of this place would be so powerful, that Namjoon would be powerless against them. What they didn't expect, however, was Namjoon's men instead. They were already waiting for them inside when they came in. Namjoon was nowhere to be seen.

-''Yes we did, but apparently, he found out.'' – Seunghyun spat angrily.

-''For fuck sake, how? I mean, he was supposed to follow us, not wait for us. How did he even know where to go?'' – Tae asked his crossbow in hand, pointing left and right, aiming for men that were slowly approaching.

-''He knew.'' – Jiyong said calmly, completely composed.

Tae could felt his brother next to him, alerted with his sword and dagger out. Even with the magic, they can't beat them all, not yet anywhere. It was the number of the men, and even though they've learned how to target with their magic, they didn't know how to divide it to several attacks at the same time. Magic required patience and a lot of practice and the twins had no time for any.

Jiyong's eyes followed as more men started appearing from their hideouts, surrounding them slowly. There were around 20 of them, all armed and angry.

-''There is an exit behind that pillar. Go.'' – Jiyong said calmly, facing their enemies.

-''Hyung there are too many, you can't...'' – Tae began, but Seunghyun grabbed him at the nape of his neck together with V and pushed them through the stone crack.

-''Trust me, he can handle them.'' – Seunghyun said pulling the twins with him. As soon as they turned the corner, they heard multiply blood-freezing screams of horror and sheer panic. The twins faltered in their steps, looking back.

-''What the actual fuck?'' – Tae murmured, but Seunghyun pulled them forward. – ''Never piss off the Dragon.'' – He said seriously. The twins didn't know what to make of it. They hurried out through the darkness until they've reached the fresh air. – ''We are close.''- Seunghyun whispered and rushed even faster towards the dim light.

Pretty soon they reached the rainforest. Its greenery and wilderness were overwhelming. You could easily get lost in the natural maze, but it seemed that Seunghyun knew where he was going.

-''Have you been here before?'' – V asked and the older man nodded. – ''With Jiyong. Now hush, we need to be very quiet. We don't know who else is out there, waiting.''

They sneaked through the foliage and high trees, making almost no noise. For a human sense, they were invisible as only well-trained Assassins could be, but for other creatures, they were loud as elephant in the room full of hanging bells.

Suddenly, the deadly and gorgeous feline stepped in front of them, hissing dangerously. It was bigger than her regular kind, with long fangs and claws that could cut through their flesh like butter. The jaguar stared at them coldly. They were on his territory, they were the intruders.

-''Are they supposed to be this big?'' – V asked, flipping his dagger in his hand so the point of the blade was between his fingertips, raising his hand in the air, ready to throw it in the slightest movement. Seunghyun moved as well, holding a pistol, pointed at the animal. The jaguar hissed warningly, crouching as if to jump, when Tae came into view, shielding the animal. -''Put your weapons down.'' – He said quietly.

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